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  1. Sure, I'm pretty sure I'm going to need a lot of help. Thanks. Mike
  2. I purchased this kit from someone who found it in the back of a store room. The box was pretty beat up, but all the pieces were in there. This is my first real build of a wooden model ship and was probably not the best choice for a newb to attempt the hull shape is somewhat difficult with multiple compound curves. I layed up the first hull planking and it came out pretty awful, but with the final planking I'm doing much better and learning a lot. I'm not sure that some of the parts are the proper scale, but I'll use them. I'm building this with some of the gun ports closed and some open with the guns run out and this is where I think the scale is off, there is very little room behind the guns to rig them properly with block and tackle to bring the gun back out of battery. Anyway, thats about it, other than the instructions are not great and the plans are not exactly to scale. Thanks
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