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David of Berwick

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About David of Berwick

  • Birthday 10/06/1964

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    Stared the hobby in 2016.
    Finding it very enjoyable :)

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  1. Hi Doug, Yes, it is indeed captivating. I have never really been a 'hobby' type tof person so I've been a bit surprised as to just how much I have gotten into it all. I'm enjoying seeing some of the work from experienced modellers; it makes me realise just how much I have to learn. The hours seem to go very quickly once I sit down in an evening and start 'fooling around'. I think though that i actually spend a lot of time just looking at the build and thinking about life in general... What I am finding particullary satisfying is that I can change the model a bit to give it a bit of a personal touch. Just minor tweeks- nothing too drastic! All thebest with your builds too. Cheers - David
  2. Thanks Anja - it sounds easy so I should be loading some photos up soon... (hopefully). My standard is pretty low at the the moment - but I figure that I can only improve! Cheers- David
  3. Thanks Medic, I'm currently up to the rigging stage on the Mary Byrne - and although the build is not near as good as some of the photos I've seen of other peopl'e work, I'm still pretty happy overall. I obviously have a lot to learn, but I figure that I'll forgive my errors whilst I learn the basics. I'm enjoying myself though Do you have photos of your Mermaid up on the site? Cheers, David
  4. Great - thanks Keith. I'll have a look into the Ship Modelling Society of Victoria. It would be nice to chat to a local member and to hopefully see their work. Cheers. David
  5. Thanks Steve. I'll bear that in mind Cheers.
  6. Hello All - I am quite new to model ship building, having only started in mid 2016. I have already found this to be a very rewarding hobby - and in particular I am surprised at just how much thinking and planning ahead is involved! I have built one kit model (the Port Jackson Schoooner from Modellers Shipyard) and am currently building the Mary Byrne (a colonial ketch also from Modellers Shipyard). Both are rated at skill level 2 - and I am finding it fascinating as to just how much work is involved. I am picking up skills I never knew I had (such as planking and furnture construction) - and I have quickly come to realise that in building one ship that I am really picking up skills for my next build. I look forward to uploading some photos of my build( once I figure out how to...) - and to reading all the advise and tips that experienced modellers can give me. All the best, David
  7. I am new to the hobby - being in only my second build (the Mary Byrne) - but during my first build I found the rigging part to be very enjoyable. However I also found it very frustrating whenever I list tension or couldn't get a knot tied. Yes, rigging is enjoyable - but so was the Gil work, the planking and the deck furniture.... Cheers
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