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Everything posted by SaifBlitzkrieg

  1. And a quick question.. how do i make a rope tie that holds 3 blocks into it ?! its at the top parts of the masts
  2. yes sir that's true! i used Sealer/Thinner thick mixture actually not lacquering
  3. The Hull is done! the planking was filed then had 3 coatings of sealer... started doing the deck furniture
  4. No No not the nose mast ! it can be removed! i didn't glue it yet... I mean the part above the mast's hole
  5. Framings added on the sides, rear, vertical rear and the spoiler XD
  6. and that was the very first model I ever built in my life.. wish if I made a better work with it though.. the next ones I did better work with them... its a beauty
  7. I haven't seen any yet... i was wondering if i can go for something specific... I will go check and will let you know right away Cheers !
  8. Hello Mr. Dan Which PVA Glue would u recommend... i am looking forward for a glue that gets a rock solid results like the brown one.. Thank you Yours Saif Hegazi
  9. Thank you! I really appreciate the feedback Mr. Dan Vad I'll definitely try doing that from now on and I've been reading books and checking videos regarding the shipbuilding, and to be honest your points are the most useful ! I am a great fan of your works by the way! didn't see this coming... The thing is I want to point out the kind of glue I am using, it's a heat activated dark brown wood glue which gets really hard when it dries up.. its very sticky though and a pain to clean.. and also regarding holding and clamping the parts together.. the spring clamps don't get things to settle where i always want them to be, they always slide! and i also use rubber bands to hold things together till the glue dries up and wanted to ask about a method I use to bend the wood.. which is I drown the wood in water overnight.. it gets tender and easier to bend later on... it works fine but i wonder if there's a better way? a more professional way to be frank by the way, I got this kit used : the hull was done... the railings were broken at the curve.. one side was higher than the other. really appreciate your feedback ! Thank you very much ! Saif
  10. Hello Everybody.. My Name is Saif - 26 - Egyptian Living in Kuwait and this is my very first Ship model i am currently working on with my father's help @mhegazi .. I'd like to share my work with you and i would appreciate any feedback and any inquiries.. I want to make sure that i got everything right and the methods used r the correct ones. Thank you very much
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