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  1. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! The crew models are slated to arrive next week, ship won't arrive until my birthday in Sept. So until then its learning as much as I can, watching videos, reading build logs. I will start a build log as soon as the crew is here and I begin painting them and the cannons. I am going to remove the mortars from HMS Racehorse and modify the deck slightly to get her back to her sloop configuration.
  2. Thank you for the suggestions! I was thinking something along those lines.
  3. I know this is not a popular way to build a ship, but I would like to construct mine so that the bottom is flat right around the waterline. This is for diorama building purposes and for use of the model as terrain for some wargaming. I have had no luck finding any tutorials on how to go about doing this. Specifically I am wondering what to look out for in terms of planking. It seems like this would actually make construction simpler as you can clamp from above and below during the entire build process. What I am worried about is the planks closer to the water line and how to modify based on plans. Any suggestions would be quite welcome.
  4. Hello everyone! It looks like I will be getting HMS Race Horse as a birthday gift and I am quite excited to learn how to build wooden models. I have been building models since I was around 10, but mostly focused on plastic, metal, MDF, plywood, and resin ... and geared toward table top wargaming. For this first build my goal is not to end up with something that is display quality, but instead actually construct a piece for usage in some of the war-games I play. This means its ok if the model does not end up 100% rigged, though that is my goal if I can accomplish it. The other concern will be cutting the model down to the waterline, or at least an approximation of the water line. My naive view of the plans and other build logs seems to indicate that this will actually make it a bit easier to plank as the bottom of the hulls seem like more complex curves for the wood. I hope with this build I will learn enough to do a second of equal difficult, but focus on a display piece for my young son instead of a gaming piece. I am going to read up on all the race horse build logs I can find before starting.
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