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Posts posted by tdimock

  1. Hello P. Saint!  
    I need to post an update to my model - I've made quite a bit of progress, although I am a pretty slow builder!  I checked out the video from Dead Man Hiking.  Believe that model is the larger kit.  It's a beauty!   I can understand why the larger model is easier that the 1/2" scale.
    I'll be posting an update soon..



  2. I am a long time lurker in this forum.  I just purchased this kit.  Perfect remedy for a long winter during Covid in cold and dark upstate NY.  I’ve built a few models over the years:  Woodenboat’s Catspaw Dinghy, Yankee Tender, Model Shipways Elsie, Flattie…nothing too difficult. 

    The Friendship Sloop has pretty lines and doesn’t look too difficult.  I like low stress builds!

    So let’s get started.  Here’s the box as shipped.  Nice plans and quality materials.


    Laser cut parts – very nice, but you definitely will need to sand and fit these to get the correct fit.  No surprise, right?  High quality wood strips in this kit and a nice hardware package. 


    Start by gluing forms to the backbone, making sure that they are fully seated and square.   Be very careful of the joint aft of the cockpit – easily broken (as it did for me).  Once the rear cockpit form  is glued in place, it is supported and hopefully won’t be a problem.

    For the cockpit floor, I glued on some very thin mahogany strips that I had left over from another kit.  On the seats, I laid out the plank edges with my Xacto blade and followed the lines with my razor saw.  I didn’t cut all the way through – just far enough to simulate planks. Some clear penetrating stain and it’s ready to glue on.







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