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Everything posted by Jaeon

  1. I will be faring my hull soon. I have never done one before. What did you use to sand with? Sandpaper? Files? Sanding sticks? Thanks for any info
  2. Thanks. Good Looking pup you have there. These are our boys
  3. I finished my Pilot boat. It took 11 years. I had built many plastic plane models and felt it was time to try something new. My wife bought me this kit for Christmas 2007. I dug right in. I followed the practicum as best as my ability allowed me to. I made small errors from the start. Small errors compound over time. If the templates are cut a little off the hull will be a little off and from there everything else is a little off til a point is reached where I said uh oh this is not going to fit there as it should. I progressed well enough through coppering of the hull, etc. When the time came to craft the cap rail I had an extremely hard time of it for whatever reason. Nothing I did worked. Frustration set it. I don't understand this. I had no desire to continue. I packed up the ship and put it in the closet. It sat for a couple years. Then, I needed closet space so the ship went to the garage attic where all things go to die. Over the next 5 years I saw it on occasion while looking for something else. On occasion my wife asked about the boat and I told her the truth....My skill level sucks, I have no desire, I can't understand the next step, etc. I don't lie to myself or my wife. In early December 2017 I needed something to do. I was only working per diem and very near retirement. I rescued the Pilot boat. The cap rail was still a conundrum. I spent some time looking over what needing doing and figured a way. Balsa USA is in my town so I went over and got a couple sheets then traced and cut it out as one entire piece. I did that 4 times before I got one that worked to my satisfaction. I glued it down and didn't like it at all. I ended up removing it and trying again...finally ! I worked on the ship almost daily for four months. The good weather arrived and I put it away til December 2018. Since then I worked on it sporadically. Today I hung the last flag. Rigging taught me that super glue is my friend. I learned that later then I would have liked. The rigging that came with the kit is not good. I would have bought aftermarket had I known it exists. There is a lot more I could write and I may
  4. I am a few eyebolts short for my Phantom Pilot boat. For those that built the Phantom using the model shipways kit I ask what is the gauge of those eyebolts. The parts list just reads small eyebolts. What might I substitute? I was thinking staples. Any other thoughts.
  5. Thank You all for your help on this topic. How does the old saying go? From Pilar to Pirate Brig? Thanks, that is a nice list though. I will do what I have done in the past. The best I can.
  6. Model Shipways English Pinnace. I thought the bevel I put into the the false keel made the rabbet.
  7. Here are a couple pictures of what I found. The fit is close but not as close as I think it should be. The keel is wider then the plans. The curve and size of the stem not exact. How can that be? Laser cut and the fit is that bad? The first pic shows that the keel is much taller then the plans. And try as I might I cannot get the curve of the stem to match the plans. I don't mind sanding to correct but am I being to critical and this just how it is
  8. The fit is not what I had expected. Should I sand the stem or it really does not matter that the fit has a gap? Thanks
  9. Wonderful news. Thank you for the good wishes and your expertise. It means a great deal.
  10. I recently completed the NY Pilot Boat and while proud I am under no illusions. It was my first build. The pinnace will be my second and I want to get off on the right foot. I made mistakes all during the Pilot boat build but the most damaging was the first one. I attached the first part of the pdf instructions. My question is from the third page and has to do with reducing the thickness along the edges of the false keel. I am not sure if I am to do the the entire length or only toward the stern. I think it is the entire length. If someone would check me on that it would be great. pinnace.pdf
  11. I have a call in. I cover all the bases at once. I hope. It is the Model Shipways edition
  12. My continued reading of the practicum has shed some light. I need the "rigging plans" for boom measurements. I have sheet 3 of 3 which is "Suggested Simplification of Rigging Details" and I have the large foldout main plans. Does anyone have the "rigging plans" and care to share them. I could call the company but I have no receipt as the ship model was a gift from 5 years ago. Thanks
  13. Got it done and it fits. It took a couple false starts. Sometimes it is hard for me to picture what I need to do. After a couple mistakes it came to me. More sanding is needed.
  14. Dave, Immeasurably helpful. Thanks. I was going to just wing it.
  15. I am at the point to create the main boom jaws but cannot find in the plans their size. The parts list lists plans, sheet 1,2 and 3. I only have two sheets of plans so perhaps that info is on my third missing sheet. Can anyone point me to where I can find the info I need. I have the pdf practicum but that data is not in them that I can find. Thanks
  16. Thank You for the replies. They are MOST appreciated
  17. I have looked around but haven't had any luck. Any you guys know where to get such an item. Thanks
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