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About WarKrhyme

  • Birthday July 10

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  • Interests
    Warships, Navy, Air Force, Army, and World of Warships. Especially battleships.

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  1. Hey guys! I'm sorry for not posting. I have to admit I have been quite lazy. But sometime this week something will be posted!
  2. If you guys wondered where'd i get my inspiration from. Check this video of a cardboard Yamato build.
  3. Well, my goal is to make the build look pure. Keeping the cardboard look. If I paint it then the build will look like any other build. Anyway, are you planning on building a ship model?
  4. Yes I'm going to keep it pure cardboard since painting it battleship grey will make it look like, well, a toy.
  5. You gentlemen might be thinking I must be a complete amateur for posting a cardboard model on this site comparing it to your more, professional work I would say. I completely understand. And yes this is my first time building a scratch model ship. Well what do you expect? In my country there isn't much hobby stores and I'm still in college so earning money is at little for me. Anyway thanks for the support Canute & mtaylor. Be building the main battery guns this week and i'll be posting the build log. Cheers!
  6. Finally the superstructure is done! Here's some pics. Sorry it took so long. NOW! Time to start with the main battery guns.
  7. Hello! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while because of college haha. But don't worry, you'll see my complete superstructure when the next time I post. General Quarters Men.
  8. Hello once again everybody! Just a small update on my ship. I built the conning tower and the smoke stack. after creating a roof for this I'll be continuing the build for the mast being followed by the main battery turrets and secondary guns. Cheers mates!! Oh and I bought a new camera so that photos can be a little more appealing and updated my work space so that my build will look more presentable.
  9. Here is a small update to the super structure of the ship Time consuming even for cardboard.
  10. Hello captains and sailors! Sorry I didn't get to post my build log because for me, the site servers were down. For me anyways, I don't know about you people. So, this is my cardboard build and I need some of your knowledge on how to to build this ship better since i'm only using cardboard, hot glue, and Elmers. BUT... it's going to be highly detailed. It's gonna take me a long time to build this. So the main model will be the USS Alabama (BB-60). Right here is my guide, a trumpeter 1/700 scale model that my brother wrecked a year ago. It's gonna be a waterline model and trust me I have worked with cardboard models years ago but first time building a cardboard ship. I'm going to aim the look of the ship to be fully, pure, made of cardboard. There's an inspiration from youtube who built a cardboard Yamato. Here are the pics. I'll keep you guys updated everyday, every other day, or weekly. Thanks for making me share this.
  11. Hello everybody! My name is Warkryhme which is my username in World of Warships. I'm new here so I've yet to explore the forums and ships that you captains have built. I am currently working on a scratch built, cardboard, South Dakota-Class Battleship. The upload of the build could be as soon as tomorrow in my country. I am aiming for a highly detailed battleship even for a cardboard model, Specifically the U.S.S. Alabama (BB-60).
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