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Jake Groby

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Everything posted by Jake Groby

  1. Ah Thanks, BTW, I have the book on the rebuilding of the Susan Constant, so I'll use that as a guide for the belaying pin rail locations, Thanks.
  2. A touch off Topic, but I go out of my way to find and buy loud Hawaiian Shirt, the louder the better, I have some real sweet ones. (lots of tiki prints). But I ordered this last month and its fits our hobby to a T. I never noticed the ships name were in Russian, that makes it even better.
  3. IT would have been near impossible to redo the main deck, I gave it some thought, and I felt it was simply not worth it.
  4. Starting to see the light at the end of this tunnel. I still need to repaint and detail the flower and add weathering, but the stern windows, while NOT perfect are much better than the dolphins and other stuff it had originally, the only way I could replicate the leaded window was with plastic screen, I'm testing a piece with liquid mask to see if I can get a proper window effect. I've dry fitted the stern to see what nightmares await, but it does not look too bad, I should be able to fill/close any gaps. The next part will be turning a new job boom, the kit suppled one is too short (Thanks Bill 97 for that information). I'm also doing some research on where the belaying pins were located, Trumpter left them out/off the design, The one pin rack that have up on the foremast, ONLY had the tops molded, I redrill and added wood to create a full pin. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the rest just yet, the available wooden belaying pins are not correct in length/scale, but I may have to just accept that as brass pins, even painted will be worse.
  5. I still need to paint a 2ns. coat and then fit the screen, but better than what they had.
  6. Call this Post "Trying to Make a Silk Purse from a Sows Ear"..... the stern was designed way incorrect based on surviving drawings of the same period ships and the 1958 Mayflower II, where Trumpter got the idea to add the dolphins and other decorations are just strange. While I cannot correct all the mistakes I can at least TRY to address some of them. I first sanded off the dolphins and windows as well as the clam shell. filled, sanded and re-scribed the planks and then re-grooved them to replicate them a bit. I cannot replicate the knees on the exterior of the transom, I can add some framed windows. I laid out the general shape of the windows based on the Mayflower II, once the filler sets up, I sand flush and inset some screen material, dry brushed pewter and black out the "window". Comment ALWAYS welcomed.
  7. Got some more done, daughter and grandson are down visiting, so not my shop time. I'm still working on the stern windows, waitin gon some after market one to come in to see if they will work, I give her a wash down with a med brown water based wash to draw out the detail on the planking and tone down the colors. I choose the early version of the painting scheme from the early years, thaere really no real records of how she was painted, thats why when the refit the Mayflower II, they changed the scheme. I'll ad coils to the deck boat to hide the lines as well.
  8. Started the trim work on the hull, 40 minutes of masking for 2 minutes of airbrushing ;). I also used a tooth pick to pre-stop the other colors as a guide/reminder in Pic 2.
  9. Got the base coast on the hulls and stern, need to detail the stern more then add/cut in the windows and bracing such as it is. Next comes adding the masking and various colors to the hull sides.
  10. Some further updates got the stern putty done and re-scribed stern planks, now to address building the windows. Patched the original mounting hole for the bowsprit, recut and tested the new alignment so its centered.
  11. Tonight's project was sanding off the incorrect fish, windows and name detail on the stern. I've not made up my mind on the 'Mayflower' yet? I penciled in the rubboards as well.
  12. Got the stern cannon ports closed up. I have got to still carve off these dolphins, I can find no evidence that they were on the Mayflower.
  13. I'm building a Trumpeter Mayflower for a customer and have a hard time believing that way the inst. are saying to terminate the rigs. One would think they would have belaying pins in the rail? I've checked some reference books but can't seem to pin this down yet. Any guidance appr.
  14. I'm doing a build on the Trumpter 1/60th. Mayflower and I'm about to start some sub-assemblies and noticed that the model had no head. I did a quick search on the net and really didn't find much. One article stated they used a chamber pot(s). Does anyone know if the ship had a head for the bow? if so, any drawings could help, I'll need to scratch build one.
  15. I've been using this for the past 25 years. Weld-on 3. IPS Weld-On 3 Acrylic Plastic Cement with Weld-On Applicator Bottle with Needle, 4 oz Can
  16. Did they use panes of waxed paper or parchment type material for windows?
  17. Holidays over time to get back on it, various shots showing decking detail.
  18. COMPLETE, the last photo is how it was transported to the Model show as well as the Auction.
  19. I have more rigging pictures; I just need to figure where I copied them to and will post additional.
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