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  1. The book of Spanish frigates of Enrique garcia Torralba is a good book although this one in phase of update (not yet published). You can get it for now, although in the old edition. Enrique Garcia Torralba is a very good friend of mine. To have a Spanish vision of the Royal Spanish Armada, your book on the Navios of the Royal Navy is indispensable. It has been awarded several prizes and is the benchmark to learn about the history and characteristics of the main ships. If you only have a vision of the Spanish army by English, American or French historians and researchers, I think you lack the best. In all these years I have been able to prove that the knowledge of Spanish ships is very poor and full of topics, sometimes a caricature. so I encourage you to get the book in amazon they ask for the 353 euros but if you order directly from a Spanish bookstore the price drops to 45 euros plus shipping costs https://www.amazon.es/Navíos-Armada-1700-1860-Enrique-García-Torralba/dp/8493930342 http://www.nauticarobinson.com/libros/navios-de-la-real-armada-1700-1860/9788493930349/
  2. Maneuvering the anchor cable to the main hatch and messenger to the main capstain, fixed to the cable with the nippers Messenger ready to pull the cable. nippers fitting (black thread) The manger (caja de aguas) has a special provision that you will not be used to seeing if you only read Ancre books, or follow Lavery or Goodwin. is taken from some models of this time of the Naval Museum of Madrid, which I advise you to visit
  3. The Tiller ( barra del timon) , tiller rope (guardines del timon), sweep ( descanso de la caña del timon) according to the Spanish system of the mid-18th century. If you have seen the MONTAÑES sweep of my friend Amalio, (which can be seen in the MSW), you will notice that the system is different. in England there are also differences from 1773 when the Pollard´s system begins. In this model, the system is simpler, as corresponds to a Spanish ship from the mid-18th century. the last pulley is fastened in the stern of the entrance to the cabin of the midshipmen note you can see the bulkhead of the Santabarbara on starboard, raised to the beams of the second deck in the penultimate photo
  4. if we continue forward we reach the bulkhead of the "santa barbara" that separates the ranch from the santabarbara from the rest of the ship. the "santabarbara" is a camera for officers of the sea, who has the hatch to go down to the dustbin, the hatch of the powder lantern. In the English ships, the powder room is in the bow and everything is different to what you will be used to. the name of santabarbara comes to be a saint, patron of the artillery That bulkhead is folded upwards in case the commander gave the order: "ZAFARANCHO DE COMBATE" Combat duty? zafa means clear rancho means camera combate means fight the hinges are made with gravure and are a couple of millimeters this bulkhead only has one door on the port side
  5. In the stern the cabins of the chaplains that in the Spanish navy of that time in addition to carrying out the religious services are in charge of the care of the sick or wounded crew, doing the functions of nursing and helping the surgeon. the starboard side only has the structure of the staterooms, the port side has the stateroom cabin
  6. The chain pumps are only similar to the English but they have differences in the cistern, and in the elm wood tubes. they would really be similar to some English models of the mid-18th century, and quite different from those described by current English authors, who always draw chain pumps at the end of the 18th century.
  7. in the Spanish ships there are two chain pumps ( first deck) and two lever pumps ( 2 deck) in the main hatch the anchor of "misericordia"--"mercy?"
  8. and in the bow the sail´s room There are a lot of elements not commented, but if you want to mention Could
  9. more details I do not know if the translation is correct, just in case I put the original Spanish name a escotilla pañol del farol- light room hatch? b escotilla pañol condestable -- master gunner room hatch? c escotilla viveres--- store room hatch? d pozo de bombas pump well and shot lockers e escotilla principal main hatch f escotilla de proa--bow hatch?
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