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Everything posted by nel2lar

  1. Mark Very nice build, I never thought about ships but that is a wonderful hobby. Your ship is looking very nice, love your alterations. Don't think about time or health you are going to be fine. Nelson
  2. I guess I should have scanned the new entries before I posted. Needless to say I have used CA before and I have some beefs with it, mostly when you open it if you do not use it all it will get hard on me. What I did was tried other products and the one I fell in love with "Gorilla Glue" and I do not have any affiliation with Gorilla Glue, I just like the way it works. Apply the glue on one side and moisten the piece to glue down and set in place, clamp and it is there. Gorilla Glue 3.75 oz bottle and a box of toothpicks, my go to for glueing. Hope this helps someone. Nelson
  3. Hello Mark, That is going to be one beautiful piece when finished. You are making head way with the build and I love how you transition past learned skills the go forward at a nice pace. I remember how some of those that did not believe you speed and ability. You are amazing and I am very proud to call you friend. Nelson
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