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Posts posted by edmay

  1. Hello Richard,thanks for reply,I"m the care giver for my very ill wife,model a little and browse MSW in between caring,I"ve learn"t a lot on this site,technics,tools ,the importance of research and more,also the comradeship amongst members is outstanding,sometimes it seems like they are your living room.I will not use the wrap hull with rice paper idea,walnut was advertised so I got it from my model supplier,also waiting to get full scale drawing,there used to be 15 large sheets of plans,now I believe it"s 9 sheets,the picture books are not much good for use in scale.Sorry to hear of your ill health,do what you can when you can,a bunch of us will be here.Edwin.

  2. Hello Jimbob,I also have this model and the SoS(gifts from my wife),have two other models to finish first,as you I prefare to double plank,yours looks really good.There are many things to learn on MSW,will follow your blog with much interest,I saw a modelers apron wth velcro tabs which attach to table to catch dropping parts(must remember to detatch before leaving table) as I heard someone tipped over there model .Nice to make your aquaintance.Edwin(ex Liverpudlian).

  3. Hello Mick,Very very nice build,you can be proud of your acheivement,hope mine will be as good.Nice build area ,will be able to keep things together,will there be any passagers boarding.The tram we used most was no 19 Breck road to Pier Head on the river Mersey for a penny return,so all you needed for a day out was a jam sandwich and a bottle of pop,'those were the day's my freind',will follow the tram,ps your wife was right,nice job. Edwin

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