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    Building and sailing radio controlled yachts.

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  1. Regading the RUBY air gun (not RuDy as I wrote earlier!). The compressor I have now would not produce enough air pressure to blow through the wider nozzle 0.8 mm.  It's OK for my small airbrush 0.3mm nozzle but not the 0.8mm Ruby gun.  I do not want to buy even more gear for this (ie larger compressor) so I have returned the Ruby to the dealer. 

    Had another go at airbrushing the Fisher hull with my small airbrush -this time with added 'paint retarder' to the thinned clear gloss. Got a reasonable silky-gloss finish which I think is acceptable.


    Next job is to try to repeat the process with the next hull: the 1/15th scale Colin Archer. Don't need a glossy finish on that so should be able to manage a reasonable result with the smaller airbrush. I'm going for Bob's info regarding a varnished top-coat to give a bit of resilience to the surface. Without retarder it'll probably dry fast enough to give me a silk-matte finish.

    I find it a bit stressful trying to do things which I can't do 😬 but before too long it'll be one more thing I CAN do😁



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