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  1. Absolutely stunning to watch your build. Great work Rob....!
  2. Thanks Chris, appreciated.
  3. Hello Everyone, Just wanted to say thank you for allowing me to join this forum. My project is one that my father built over fifty years ago in Scotland. Sadly he is gone now and the ship has made its way over to Canada where I live now, I would like to get it back to some type of condition that it can be displayed at home. Started this project a while ago and never had the time to get completely in to the rebuild with working two jobs and owning a house. I have been putting off for years now and feel its time to get on with this rebuild. Starting to work on masts and rigging. Reason for reaching out to MSW is to find some great resources I can look at to help me along, I know this is going to be a labor of love but once its complete I can admire something you do not see everyday, well not here on the prairies of Alberta. JREwing First picture was most likely taken around 1970..
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