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Everything posted by TreeSqueak

  1. There we go. Some decent Balsa wood blocks. It's not right, when you buy a kit you shouldn't have to blindly make peices. It should come with them.
  2. Thanks I'm still working on the fairing. It takes a lot of effort....I might get my dremmel out.
  3. So I've decided number 36 sucks. I have temporally made them out of polystyrene and screwed the decks down. The holes won't matter because I haven't planked the decks yet. Oh dear. Looks like the next step is to plank the hull. Wish me luck
  4. Next issue, I can't find number 36 at all. It looks like there are 14 of them. And it says they are plywood, but I can't find them on the diagram.????
  5. Yeah. Which is why I think it just skipped the step of adding that vaneer to number 33.
  6. Note to self and others, image number 8 is mislabeled. Or maby part 33 needs to be lined with 30. I'm going to need to look into that.
  7. I have now assembled the main frame and installed the Gunn deck. I tried to make it look a little more realistic with some false joins and some clear coat mixed with a tiny bit of paint.
  8. I have Translated the Instructions, that only came in Italian. Feel free to use these as you will. Instructions.docx
  9. I'm working on this ship right now, but it didn't come with instructions in English for some reason (the blue book of instructions seems to be entirely in Italian), i can follow the pictures, as well as your posts, but do you still have yours by any chance and the ability to scan them?
  10. Two of the same number and neither fit the instructions??
  11. Two of the same number and neither fit the instructions?? Ok next question. There seems to be two number nines, and they both match the high tech cut diagram, but not the instructions, can I just assume the instruction photos are of a slightly different model?
  12. Thank you soooo much, those guides will be very useful
  13. Bulkhead I have a very basic question so that I don't stuff up before I've barely started. I know my bulkhead peices need to be at right angles, but should I be lining them up at the top or the bottom? I have started lining them up at the top, but the bottoms don't line up, is this normal? I think they should be lined up at the top, but I'm going to pause for an answer before I continue.
  14. This is my First Build since I was a child, My first boat is unfinished and gathering dust at my Mothers house with copious amounts of filler. Im going to have lots of questions and I'm hoping to find some good tips here.
  15. I have a very basic question so that I don't stuff up before I've barely started. I'm building the US Constellation from Artwsania. I know my bulkhead peices need to be at right angles, but should I be lining them up at the top or the bottom? I have started lining them up at the top, but the bottoms don't line up, is this normal?
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