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  1. I will definitely be following this build log too as I picked up this kit a couple months ago when on sale for ~$100. Thanks for the good info so far and especially the clear pictures - with good lighting!
  2. Thank you very much Patrick!
  3. Thank you again- I have bookmarked this link! I can't imagine building without the use of the web or this forum.
  4. LOL. Thanks Egilman. I believe it as I have made many trips thru SEATAC and have dozens of bumper stickers of your local legend.
  5. Thanks Mark!
  6. Thank you Moab and definitely agree!
  7. Thank you Jeff and nice to meet you as well!
  8. Thank you Ryland. I agree and this is probably one of the best managed/moderated hobby sites too. Just tons of priceless info.
  9. Thank you Paul!
  10. Thank you John and nice to meet you! You a fan of Danny Ricciardo by chance?
  11. Thank you for pulling together the most helpful links in one spot. I do not know what I will tackle first and will need to read through the 'what do you build first' topic next to decided. I previously tracked down and obtained a 1:78 HMS Victory by Mantua/Panart for <$150 that I would like to do second-ish and then would like to work my way up to a scratch-built Venetian ship eventually.
  12. Thank you. It is interesting to see and meet so many people from around the world (or neighbors) with a shared, unique hobby even in the digital age.
  13. Hi- I created an account after first joining an online build club since this seems to be the best forum out there on shipbuilding, etc. I have enjoyed perusing the posts and hope to get some starter/simple build logs going soon. I am from the US based in the Midwest; home to both the blues and Bigfoot (truck, not the monster). Thanks in advance for answers to questions I post and to those that posted threads I have learned a great deal from so far.
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