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    Highlands of Scotland

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  1. Thank you very much for your answers – much appreciated! Take care.
  2. Hi, well, I have the planking on – now the sanding. I was thinking about using an electric sander.: Bosch ‘mouse’ or my 6” oscillating sander? Or should I purchase a craft specific sander? There will be a fair amount of filler… so I’m thinking of using an electric sander first then finish off the sanding by hand. I think I’ve made all the mistakes a newbie can make and then some! I’m learning…🙂 Take care.
  3. Lego – ingenious idea. Would never have thought of that. I do have Lego blocks for when our grandchildren come to stay. They won’t miss a few… Perhaps I should buy some original Titebond. Don’t like the idea of increased difficulty in removing misaligned parts should it not be square. And that is where I’m not too confident – getting the parts, ‘square’. Will certainly try the Lego idea with a dry fit. Take car.
  4. Just starting my first build which is the OcCre Bounty Launch. The instructions state: ‘It is important to make sure that the frames are set perpendicular to false keel’. What would be the best method of achieving this? I have the following glues: Speed Bond, Titebond 3, Decorator. Which one would you recommend using? Thank you & take care.
  5. That’s brilliant! Many thanks for confirming that I’ve correctly identified the parts. Something correct – that’s a first for me! ‘Maybe the rubbing strakes are meant to be cut from a plank from pile a?’ Never thought of that. Pile ‘a’ is 2 x 5 x 400 whereas the Rubbing Stakes are 2 x 3 x 400mm. And, I’m one short (pile ‘a’) – shouldn’t make a difference? The length of planks in pile, ‘c’ are 400mm. All the piles are of a length of 400mm. According to the parts list I need eleven 2 x 3 x 200mm. You are right, by cutting I get 16. ‘In regard to timber 'c', have a close look at the instructions and see if your ship dimensions require eleven lengths or eight’. Looking at the dimensions, I think I will need 7 full lengths then two shorter ones either side making 11 at the bottom of the hull. But, I maybe wrong… However, I still think I’m missing the following: Part No. 45, Rubbing Stakes x 3. These are the same size as the planks in pile, ‘c’ which are African Walnut – I need three lengths of 400mm in Lime Wood So, I have contacted OcCre. A, 'wee dram' usually helps my confusion... Really encouraging and appreciate all the help! Take care.
  6. Hi, Many thanks for all the advice on, ‘staining’ – much appreciated! I have two types of glue: ‘Titebond 3 ‘& ‘Speed Bond’. I really need someone to confirm or otherwise if I have correctly identified the parts from the part list? Take care.
  7. Hi. Ref: OcCre Bounty Launch 1:24 52003 Well… it didn’t take long for me to get stuck – at first hurdle! Having difficulty identifying the wood parts to the part list. Need some assistance. I am presuming (dangerous to presume) that I have correctly identified the following parts from the part list??? a = Part list No. 41 Lining Strakes x 35 (34 in kit) 2 x 5 x 400 Lime wood b = Part list Nos. 68 (Bowsprit), 69 (Foremast), 70 (Fore Yard), 71 (Main Yard). Need to cut? c = Part list No. 13 Planking x11 (8 in kit) 2 x 3 x 200 African Walnut d = Part list No. 54 Oar Webs x 8 (5 in kit) 3 x 150 Plywood e = Part list No. 42 Bulwarks (2 in kit) 2 x 8 x 400 Lime Wood f = Part list No. 43 Hull Lining x35 (38 in kit) 0.6 x 5 x 400 Sapele Wood g = Part list No. 44 Bulwarks Lining x 7 0.6 x 5 x 400 Lime wood Part list No.45 Rubbing strakes x3 2 x 3 x 400 Lime Wood? The only 2 x 3 in the kit is, ‘c’ in attached photo. Part List No.13, in which I only have 8, not 11. If I need 11 x 200 lengths for the planking and 3 x 400 for the rubbing stakes, then the 8 I have is not enough? Hope all that makes some kind of sense. I’m a wee bit befuddled! As a first step I intend to stain all the wood before starting the gluing - good idea or not? Hoping some kind person can help me out? Highlander
  8. Yes, I have a workbench. The dining room table. Sitting on the table is a, ‘work station’ that I made when making the plastic models.
  9. Thanks everyone – feeling good to be on board! I’ve been called many things over the years but never an, ‘immortal’… ☺️ Take care. Highlander
  10. Good day everyone. Retired after many years teaching mathematics and building several planes and three boats – all plastic. Now, I would like to, ‘have a go’ at building the OcCre version of the Bounty launch. From reading quite a lot on this forum, I understand that this kit would suit a beginner like me. Like a teacher, I will be asking questions… Following advice from this forum I have purchased the book, ‘Ship Modeling Simplified’, Frank Mastini. Bought a few bits and pieces which I think I’ll need and believe that I’m in the right place to learn. The build logs are incredibly impressive! A big thank you to all the advice given which I have taken on board – forgive the pun. Stay safe and take care. Highlander
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