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Posts posted by ARFF

  1. Hello folks, I'll try to "revive" this topic as I just purchased the set and started planing.


    Actually this is the second model I'm about to build, so I kind of hoped to get your expertise on this one. My first attempt was a Rosenbauer GFLF Simba 8x8, an airport crash truck that was used at Frankfurt Intl. Airport in Germany until the mid 00s. I had some issues with this, as it is not adressed to beginners, but in the end it worked quite okay, even though it took me months to finish it. I'll attach some pics of it.


    Comming back to this one, I'd like to know if you have added hoses to the hose bed or not and - if you did so - how did you build them? I'm from Germany and found this manual on the internet. Looks good to me, this guy used some gift ribbon to build it. If you're interested I'll try my best to translate it for you. Even though the hoses are quite good looking, I'm missing the cupplings. Do you guys have any idea how to build and add them? 


    I found the original Engine on the website of the CPVFD so I already decided to change some of the given colors to be closer to the original. 

    I'm a rookie (this one will be my first time to use an air brush system for painting), so please be patient with me and my questions :D 


    Thanks for your efforts!











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