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Harbour Dog

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Posts posted by Harbour Dog

  1. Well, I'm speechless. I found this website and forum after seeing an auction advertising the "Corel Sezione Maestra Cut-away Wood Model Kit" and then doing some googling. I am blown away by the detailing and intricacy of this gentleman's work. It's put me off now, from bidding on that kit...I haven't built a model since I ruined an Airfix model of a car more than 50 years ago, and I thought, after seeing the kit on the auction "Ooh, I'd like to have a go at that." And then I found this site...bloody hell, am I out of my league! I'd ruin that kit, I'm sure of it. However, I love all things nautical, Nelson was my childhood hero, and when I visit the Victory I am truly in my "happy place". I suspect all you modellers must be familiar with The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships by C. Nepean Longridge, but on the remote chance that one of you is not, it's something you will want to buy. I pore over my copy frequently. It's brilliant and it's great to compare his photos of the Victory and his model with my photos of her. I'm looking forward to exploring more of this awesome website and these forums.

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