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Keith B

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Everything posted by Keith B

  1. A bit more work done on rear cabin
  2. Made these out of paperclips.They will eventually be painted white.
  3. More planking,fore deck cut out and planked,and first pieces of rear cabin cut out.
  4. It's just some mahogany strips that I had left over from Victory.
  5. And today's photo is......more planking
  6. I made sure the bin men took it,so it's no longer sitting in the corner of the workshop,peeping out of the black bin bag at me!
  7. A bit more done today.Decided to use a darker planking for decks,and caulk with a natural colour.Purely my own preferences,maybe not historically accurate,but my builds never are.I like to do things that are pleasing to me! Also started rough cutting one of the deck houses,something to do while waiting for other bits to dry.
  8. Hi Nenad, Yes,I am going to plank the decks,same as before ,with 4mm x 1mm planks,caulked with black thread.
  9. Todays work consisted of cutting out and fitting lower false decks,rear deck and main deck.Note that the sheet of wood I had for the main deck was about 30mm too short,so I've had to make a little bit to go at the pointy end,but it won't be seen when the next deck goes on.All in all a good day today,not looking forwards to tomorrow though,lots of sanding and shaping before the next stage!
  10. Bulkheads now fitted,and front and rear blocks.So far so good!
  11. Thanks Bob, I will still be referring to the Campbell plans,but I prefer to get the basics done following the AL ones.Just a personal thing I suppose.After all,if we were all the same the world would be really boring! As you say,it all starts with a blank sheet of plywood,and (hopefully) something quite beautiful will be the end result,no matter which way it's done! Anyway,done a little bit more this morning,see photo's.
  12. Thanks Nenad, I'm using 6mm ply for the keel,so it is nice and strong and straight. All the bulkheads are the same material,and I'll make sure that they are square when I glue them in.The bottom of the keel will have 6mm square beech.
  13. Right then,this might confuse some people,but bear with me,I've started again! A few days ago I sent for a disc off e-bay apparently full of model ship plans.It was only £2.50,so I thought "why not,it's worth a gamble at that price".The disc arrived this morning,so I thought I'd have a browse through it before heading for the workshop,and lo and behold,there's a complete set of plans for the Artesania Latina version of Cutty Sark,a model which I've longed for since I started building. It was one of those that you buy in weekly instalments for a small fortune. There's loads of plans etc.on this disc,and a nice little program called "tile printer".So I started printing a few pages of the keel and bulkheads out,and taping them all together. Then I headed to the workshop and made a start.I've been able to salvage most of the bulkheads I'd already cut by re-marking them to the new plans. So this is what I'm generally going to follow now on this build,but of course there are bound to be some "personal alterations" along the way! It's still a scratch built project,as I'm having to make everything instead of opening a packet! More printing this evening,ready for cutting tomorrow.
  14. Cut a few more slots,and another bulkhead.Test fitting rails,5mmx5mm
  15. Well,that's the keel and the first bulkhead cut out,and dry fit to see if it's o.k. So far so good,only 18 more to go! The keel isn't the finished product yet,it will need a bit more shaping and fettling.
  16. Well,what a week so far,yesterday my printer decided to die,right in the middle of copying some templates,so had to go and buy a new one,then today,my bandsaw blade broke,so spent the morning driving round looking for a new one.Found a good place though,and they even repaired the broken one for me,so now I've got a couple of spares,which will come in handy with this build,no doubt! Anyway,managed to get the bulkheads cut out,just "blanks" at the moment,and I've left them tall until I get the keel marked up and cut out.Then I will be able to get deck heights and various slots for them done. I love my little bandsaw,it's worth it's weight in gold! Also got to make a jig to hold the keel and bulkheads in place.I'll think about that one tomorrow.
  17. I've stretched the original plans slightly,so it will be about 1:75. Many thanks Bob,I like your ramblings!!! There's definitely some sense in there!
  18. I'm managing to sort it. It just needs a bit of silent study and working out. Good job I've got my workshop! Should be able to start cutting in a couple of days.
  19. New build started,well,sort of. Follow the new link in "scratch built logs in progress", aptly entitled "Cutty Sark"
  20. Well,here we go then.I've taken the plunge and bought a nice new sheet of 6mm ply. I've made some copies of the bulkhead drawings off the plans,so I can cut them out no problem,but how do I know how to make the main "backbone"that they fix to? I can trace the external lines,but how deep do I go? Once I get this problem sorted out,I can spend a few days on the bandsaw!!
  21. You know what? I think I'll give it a go. Then at least I've only got myself to blame if it goes wrong!! I'll start a new build log as soon as I get some materials.
  22. Or I could try a scratch built one if I had the templates
  23. Still trawling the internet for a decent kit,no luck yet though.This could be a very long quest getting something for the right price!
  24. Not if I can help it,but even if I have to go down that road,at least I will have started it from scratch,and not tried to put right someone else's bad building!
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