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Keith B

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Everything posted by Keith B

  1. Just when things were going pretty well I seem to have lost 2 guns! Or maybe they weren't even here in the first place,as I've already had to get in touch with Billings to send me the rudder hinges which were missing from the kit.They sent me 9,which being as it's an odd number isn't enough anyway! I can't be bothered to e-mail them again about the guns,so it's out with the mini-lathe and knock a couple up myself. They actually look okay now they're painted and mounted on the trolleys-pic to follow.
  2. Hi Boyd, I'll sub contract them out to you!! Seriously though,I do spend about 5-6 hours a day in the workshop,and I do tend to rush things a bit,which is sometimes my downfall!! You are doing a really nice job on your build,much better than mine.There are some bits on mine where I should have taken more time,but I'll try better on my next build,which is the Billings Cutty Sark. Every time I do a build,I get a bit better,and this website is brilliant for tips. Cheers, Keith.
  3. Thanks for the tip Keith.I think I'll try the indian ink. Keith.
  4. All the guns in place,(well,on one side at least!),and a few more bits and pieces done.Starting to look like the Victory now! Also test fitting for the first section of the bowsprit. Everything still seems to be a good fit,just a pity that the quality of some of the wood used in this kit isn't very good. Still,you get what you pay for!! Anybody got any ideas on colouring rigging thread? I've heard that soaking it in strong tea gives a good colour,or should I buy some proper dye?
  5. Good idea.I will definitely be lacquering it.After all,I couldn't put the wife through all that cleaning! Keith.
  6. Thanks David, Yes,I'm really enjoying the build,especially now the coppering's done! Everything I add to it now improves the look,whereas the earlier part of the build was more structural,not visual,if you get what I mean! Cheers, Keith.
  7. Had a good couple of days in the workshop so far this week. While waiting for things to dry I've been making some of the gun carriages up,and also sizing and tapering the sections of masts.
  8. Hi Boyd, It's a keel clamp which swivels and tilts. Got it off e-bay- 20 quid. Just search for "keel clamp" Cheers, Keith.
  9. Thought I'd do a bit of painting next,before I start putting any other parts on the hull exterior,as it makes it so much easier to mask up if there aren't any lumps and bumps in the way.
  10. Well,after nearly 2 weeks the coppering's done,except the rudder.About 1700 plates.I ordered 2000,so I've got some left towards the next project! I must say that it gets a bit tedious,but I think the end result is so much better than just painting it,as the kit instructions expect.
  11. Hi mate, Don't worry,no offence taken! I've done one of the stairways,will do the other one when I get bored with other jobs! I've just painted the gunports,not cut them out.I don't think I've got your patience! Coppering is straight forward so far,but I haven't got to the bendy bits yet. Cheers, Keith.
  12. Planking's just about done,lots of trimming and sanding to do,but a bit bored with that now,so I thought I'd try my hand at coppering for the last couple of hours of the day.Never done it before,but I'm dead chuffed with how it's beginning to look!
  13. I'd have loved the Jokita kit,but can't really justify the price of it!
  14. Never gave it a thought! Never mind though,that's just another little job to do,and I've got loads of time! Apart from that,I'm really enjoying this build,hope you feel the same about yours too. Cheers, Keith.
  15. I've just taken delivery of the Longridge book "The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships". Looks like it's going to be a godsend with such crappy instructions in the kit!
  16. Hi mate,I've just taken delivery of the book "The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships".Took this photo for you.It shows that you've done the right thing with the steps. Looks like I've got a bit of cutting to do!! Cheers, Keith.
  17. 1st planking done at last.Started on 2nd planking now.I'm using 0.5 x 5mm beech.It's half the price of a dark wood,and seeing as it's going to get painted or stained I can't see the point of wasting my hard earned!!
  18. The steps look good mate. I haven't decided what to do yet. Your whole build is coming on really well.Keep it up! Regards,Keith.
  19. Hi,The model isn't double planked,but it will be when I've finished with it!!
  20. Hi Shihawk, I'm only going to paint certain bits so they stand out,like the gun trolleys etc.I made a smaller version of Victory,and left it all wood,and it does look good. Like you,I'm not trying to make an authentically correct model,just one that (hopefully) will look nice! I will be coppering the hull though,as it's something I didn't do on the previous one. Cheers for now, Keith.
  21. I've come to the conclusion that the wood supplied with this kit for planking the hull is absolutely rubbish,and when it's finished will have to be sanded to within an inch of it's life! I have therefore decided to add a top layer of veneer to get a half decent look to this ship.It will mean extra work and expense,but I think it will be worth doing.
  22. Hi Shihawk, Just been browsing through your progress,and you're doing a really nice job.Remember,it's not a race! I like the idea of cutting the gunports out,but can't decide whether I can be bothered or not! Don't worry about working with the thin 0.5mm planks when doing the second layer,it's easy to work and as long as you have done the sanding and preparation on the main planking beforehand,it won't need much but just a fine sand over before paint/varnish. Keep up the good work, Keith.
  23. Hi Shihawk, I spend about 4 to 5 hours a day on it,but being happily retired now it keeps me occupied! I do have a few coffee breaks though,and do small jobs adding things to the workshop. You're right about the instructions.Why the hell they couldn't have numbered the parts instead of only doing it on the instruction sheets is beyond me.I've nearly worn the booklet out by thumbing through it trying to find out what sheet a certain part is on!
  24. Coffee machine and T.V. now installed in the workshop,so it's back to the Victory at last! I'm planking at the moment,which is really tedious,so while I wait for things to dry I've been doing other little jobs as seen in the photo's. To bend the planks I've just been soaking the end,about 4 inches,and then crimping the plank with a bender I got off e-bay for about £5.Seems to work this way,although I must say that the planks supplied with this kit aren't exactly of the best quality.
  25. Great! My new workshop's basically up and running at last.Still got to add bits and pieces,cupboards,shelving,coffee machine etc, but at least I can get on with Victory now!
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