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Everything posted by Johnny.D

  1. Absolutely beautiful work with the figures and oars. Now only 167 more to go!
  2. Truly Master Craftsmanship Richard. I admire your work closely and the quality is, as Ian said, beyond superlatives.
  3. Now the main structure of the ship is nearing completion, will the next stage see the start of the masts and rigging, because I am highly intrigued how this will be brought to life matching the mind blowing quality of the ship so far.
  4. I'm just curious to know Richard, how did you replicate all the posts for the outrigger and top deck supports with their high part count and complex shape.
  5. I've come here new and have looked over the log so far. I am truly inspired at the detail and construction process put into the internal frames of the hull and the planking process.
  6. Oh I didn't realise, I've never seen the entire hull built over it, plus the ribs are glued on somehow to keep the shape and then taken off once entirely planked, I'll have to check out louie da fly's page.
  7. Hi guys, I came across a really unique process of constructing framed hulls. It seems extremely suitable for a smaller scale or miniature trireme model because of its exposed hull in final construction. It allows for the really small and thin internal ribs of a trireme to be made at small scale without the risk of breaking when planked over. The solid carved hull also provides a base for the ribs to be bent around maintaing the grain direction maximising strength. I just think this is really cool to share and might just give a bit of inspiration for anyone thinking of building a minitare olympias or any ship with an exposed hull of the sort with similar construction methods of a larger model. As such, I have my own eyes set on pursuing a miniature olympias model in the future.
  8. Im just wondering, how long is this exactly, is it about 1500mm
  9. That looks amazing mate, it looks identical to them all and flows seamlessly into the tail peice.
  10. Hi everyone, I've been doing some researching and digging around for the availability of the Olympias plans as well as the availability of the Trureme Trust. I had contacted Boris Rankov which is highly involved in the Olympias and this is what he had to say... "I’m afraid the The Trireme Trust was wound up in 2019 and no longer exists. Together with the whole of the Trireme Trust’s archive, the plans by John Coates have been lodged with the archivist at Wolfson College, Cambridge (archivist@wolfson.cam.ac.uk) who now administers the provision of plans and photographs, as well as copyright issues, on behalf of the College and the Coates family."
  11. Oh really, I got that same automated reply and I contacted them only a few days ago.
  12. Hi everyone, is there anyway that you know how to find the plans that Richard had posted sections of, with such a high resolution. I would like a collection of these plans at high res as I am planning a miniature model of around 1/28 or 1/192 scale of the Olympias.
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