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Brian Harris

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  1. All lookin' good Mr MaddogMcQ......I also made this kit back in '71-72 (I was still in my teens, just so could afford the £5.5.0 just before we went decimal)....I have no idea what happened to my model...I left home and it disappeared !!!....anyway now well into building my 'new' £89.95 machine...sure is testing the grey matter and skills...the surgical scalpel is a real boon as there is so much 'flash' and bits that just don't fit on the new kit....I'd like to ask a question of anyone here...'How does the rear Axel assembly sit on the springs...I've glued mine into place but it doesn't look or feel right, just sitting on the little box mounted on the spring...looks like it should have a bracket of some sort to hold it in place...or araldite !!.....enjoyed reading your progress report...keep at it...I am !!!
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