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  1. I've used metal lifeboat by kit Amati, But I'd like to cover boat with false-leather cover (i've creased a piece of paper then paint it) In your opinion is better light or dark brown color?
  2. Flag locker a little bit different than Amati's plan. Similar to Anatomy kf the ship. Now i'm gonna aged wood
  3. hello and thanks for your comments! I wanted to build a dystopian bounty, in a world where the ship had not been burned by the mutineers and held in Pitcairn Bay for a long time. so I coated the keel with copper and used the AK burnisher, quick brush strokes. the copper was stained with cyanoacrylate glue so it was easy to create a smudge effect. then I drybrush some acrylic color mixed by myself to give copper oxidation. with a drop of glue cyanoacrylate then I glued some paper tissue painted in green, black and brown to simulate algae a little, but without exaggerating! I'm glad you like it See you soon!
  4. Hello construction updates second planking copper shield hull aging
  5. First planking complete. I must sandpaper, but I hope this is a good first planking.
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