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Edward Stein

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  1. After seeing what others on this site has done to bend thick wood, success! It was actually easier then I thought it would be. Oh how I love this web site!
  2. The forecastle and quarter decks are almost done. I have eliminated rigging the rear of the gun carriages due to the limited space on these decks. I'm not going to do anything else until I get the whales done. I have been dreading this step but I can't put it off anymore.
  3. After 45 minutes of painstaking carving and removing an extra plank due to a knife slip, all I have to say is "What hole!". I am thrilled I was able to do this.
  4. My first major oops. I failed to mark the hole before I planked the deck. I'm going to try and pull up those pieces but I've never tried this before. The build was going so well up to this point, I guess it was inevitable that a major mistake was on the horizon.
  5. The measurements are H - 35 3/4" W - 18" L - 43" approximately
  6. This does make more sense then what I did. I wished I could have seen this diagram earlier. It's to late for me to make the changes on the lower decks but I will rig the rest of the cannons this way. Thank you for sharing this with me.
  7. I wasn't sure how to do it so I just made a rigging plan that I thought was right.
  8. My trail run with the lights. The picture does not show the true color of the lights. It is a dim soft yellow color. You can see inside the lower gun deck pretty good so I'm going to keep the lights in the ship.
  9. The lower gun deck is finally finished. It was a lot of work making the cannons but now that it's completed made the effort so worth it.
  10. A jig I made to rig the cannons. I know that the rope coils are not accurate but it is my first attempt at it.
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