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  1. Yes sir, believe the hull to be in good shape. I will build a box to set it in and shelf it, along with mast and all that came from it....who knows, after I gain some experience, it might be something I take a second look at. Thanks Sir. Ray
  2. Dave, didn't even think or realize that the deadeyes are not scale. In dismantling some of this ship, I've seen some pretty bad looking modeling from the original builder. He didn't wrap rope, he glued them in place....the deadeyes and the iron that wraps them and fastened to the ships side was crap-ily done, many many things done poorly. I'm considering removing all hardware, canons, anything salvagable like deadeyes buckles and such and scrapping the ship. It is always harder to make something outta a mess that someone else has started, race cars, wood projects, even wood model ships. Thanks again. Ray
  3. Jan.......I don't like them at all, but for now, stuck with them.
  4. Thanks to everyone.
  5. Thanks Keith.....please bear with me. Another note......if I wanted to start with a simpler single mast wood ship, to get used to rigging, to get into building, to learn about "ships wheels", what ship would you recomend?
  6. Thanks for your service Chief. I will look into this. I have taken a lot of this ship apart, and now feel that it truly might not be salvageable. The original builder jury rigged a bunch of it, a lot is broke or missing, hard to get into the middle of someone else's mess. This might be over my head. I am going to ask the fine people of this awesome forum what single mast ship would be a great "beginner" ship to start with. I really like the ships like Victory, gun ships.....there has to be a good larger scale ship that I could "break my teeth on". Thanks for the info, it will be priceless sir. Happy New Year Ray
  7. Afternoon Bruce, lady on this site, tlevine suggested that to her, it is a 1:98 scale Mantua......I gave her some measurements and she ascertained from that that it was. I don't have a clue how to figure scale or what manufacturer it is. Thanks Ray
  8. Good morning, I am trying to restore a 1:98 scale Victory. It was a "barn find" so, I don't have plans for it. From a member in this forum, I have learned that it might be a Mantua model, but, that is NOT verified and don't know how to confirm it. All that said, does anyone have 1:98 scale plans that I could buy, or know where I can find any? Here is my ship. Can anyone identify my ship, or confirm that it is a Mantua? Thank you and Happy New Year
  9. Thanks Jim.....will the book by Longridge, Anatomy of Nelson's Ships help me with the proper rigging of the shrouds or can you give me a source please? Thanks
  10. Thanks Tom There was considerable damage that I didn't want to just "jury" rig....my audience will be me and I will do it as right as I can. I know there is a point of overkill and I won't go there, but, I will do it right. With the rigging there, there was no way to clean it the way it needed cleaned. I have spent a few hours (while watching my Chiefs loose) dismantling the rigging. Why is the steering wheel outside the upper deck, never seen this on any pictures? Thanks for your input, all these people are awesome. I will take everyone's advice, on the search input of "Victory" or "Restoration". Here are a couple of pictures......PLEASE advise me as you see fit... Thanks and Happy New Year Sir
  11. Thanks TBlack.....Army 6 years as Gunner/Crewchief on Hueys, jumped to Airforce for another 18 as Crewchief/Flightchief. Although my audience will be mainly me, I don't do things halfway, as a dirt Late model crewchief, I built and raced my own drag car, granddad to 10.......I just like doing things right....BUT, I understand overkill. There was quite a few things broken and the gun deck was filthy after how ever many years sitting in the detached garage BEFORE my son rented the house in Ottawa Canada. This WILL be a big job, but, being retired and if the grandkids don't bother me with projects, I can take my time. Also.......I have not ever seen the steering wheel OUTSIDE the upper deck, isn't it supposed to be under?
  12. Agree mtaylor....lol....at near 65, I don't rely on memory for nothing. Great advice....ya know, in looking at this thing, hard to get a good starting point where to cut. I also don't know all my terminology and what to call parts.....for example......do I cut right below the dead eyes and save as much of the net as possible.....looks like I want to cut below the block and tackle? Thanks and sorry for dumb 101 questions.
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