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Everything posted by Clementine

  1. and capstan done, as expected it doesnt have much movement, but i feel its worth it.
  2. capstan is almost done, i did make it so it is turn-able but i believe the stairs going up to the forecastle will block it so it will have very little movement
  3. carronade & forecastle is done. now to work on the well deck
  4. Hi allan, in all honesty i have no idea what they are for or if they were even on the original ship. i also cant find anything visible on her sister ship HMS Kangaroo, but that might be because of the angle and age. i just thought they were purely cosmetic or made it easier to stand on in rough seas, seen as the ship was going around cape horn. who knows might be info lost to time. Clem
  5. another update on the aft deck details
  6. Some new updates, did some more work on deck details. also thank you for the comments on the deadeyes, i will be sure to rotate them when the time comes to do the ratlines
  7. another update, ships wheel is done! and yes it does turn. also added ladders to the poop deck.
  8. all the deadeyes are done, and have started work on the deck details.
  9. Not the straightest deadeyes, but it will do
  10. Rubbing strakes and dead eyes, thought i should make an update on these as the instructions are not very clear. the tutorial on youtube says to cut about 4cm but after a while i figured out a more efficient way. i cut slightly above 3cm and under 3.5cm, this way i could get 3 deadeyes done from 1 piece of copper wire.
  11. Hi Allan, you would be correct in saying it is a kit instruction. not really sure of why its built the way it is but i assume with it being a "beginner" kit its just designed to be as easy as possible while keeping up the looks. after this model i plan to work on my corel or sergal models i recently bought so hopefully the quality will improve.
  12. Bow decorations painted. onto varnishing soon then i can move on with the next step
  13. finished the bow details now for painting
  14. cannon ports are done finally, that had to of been the most tedious thing i have done this model. i accidently dropped one of the hinge pieces on my carpet and it took me over 20 minutes to find it. after that the pace stepped up a bit more. glad to be done with this.
  15. Thank you the support is much appreciated!
  16. Rudder was a success. had an incident with the stern boat davits, accidently broke one off and had to glue it back on, but all is well now.
  17. This is my completed rudder, going to see if i can fit it in without pliers
  18. thank you for the help chimp ill do that now
  19. If anyone wanted to see, this is what my varnished hull looks like currently. working on the rudder, and currently wondering how im going to make a 5mm hole for the top of it to slide into, so if anyone has tips on that it would be appreciated, the largest hand drill bit i have is only 2 mm so a bit stuck
  20. Thank you all for the pointers and tips, i have varnished the hull with satin varnish, i will be looking into other varnishes or solutions. hopefully be resuming work on the ship today.
  21. Thank you! The support is much appreciated!
  22. transom is done, most likely going to take a short break for a bit. also would like to ask if this is a good time to varnish the hull, because i have been tied between doing it now or later on when i have more stuff on it
  23. transom details added, now for painting. yeah i know its very messy.
  24. transom updates, added the aft windows and painted it up.
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