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Everything posted by Clementine

  1. some more starboard planking, just filling the holes with planks then ill move onto the port side
  2. awesome! its a great kit for the price. i hope you enjoy the kit!
  3. yeah they may seem pretty thick but i find they are best for this size of model, and as you said, plenty of material for sanding so you can make it the shape you want
  4. Thank you! and funny enough this model kit is also my second ship! this planking style is usually just a mix of the Occre plans and whatever comes to mind for me, the occre plans can only get you so far but i think the way i do it is sufficient for a nice rounded surface. and the lumber is 3mm x 5mm x 60cm but some of the planks can be a bit wider/ slimmer than most which kind of sucks but i usually just skip out on using those planks and use them for fillers
  5. been on a short break because of a lack of motivation but im back now, made a ton of progress on planking today on the starboard side.
  6. Hi allan, thank you for the tip ill be sure to take it into account on my next model. does seem to be an issue with occre kits in general but im sure its an easy fix and do you know of any good tutorial links on the site? im interested in different planking techniques as i dont really go into planking with a plan lol
  7. bulwarks planked up, had some issues with the wood quality in the kit, some of the planks had some knots so having to pick what planks i use very wisely. im moving onto the hull today.
  8. thank you! im trying to do it with no nail holes this time unless necessary and it seems to be going well!
  9. hull sanded down and some planking progress, going to move onto planking the bulwarks wish me luck
  10. small update, added the inner lining for the bularks and onto the planking next
  11. bulwarks bent and added onto the ship. hopefully they are stuck down well enough, i dont want them popping off after all the effort it took me to put these in place.
  12. did some work on the forecastle and the poop deck, varnished all the decks and now onto the bulwarks
  13. added the main deck to the frame, turns out i planked the wrong side of the main deck so theres going to be a few minor changes
  14. Decided to try out my own way of planking the main deck, had some issues with planks bending but after a while of waiting they went down on their own. time for varnish and fitting it in
  15. as expected from occre the wood quality is great and the instructions are incredibly simple and easy to follow. only ran into an issue with one of the frames which had a knot and was weaker than the others but not weak enough to scrap and replace. everything fits together nicely and i am enjoying putting it together.
  16. This is a build log for my 2nd model ship (my first being the Occre Golden Hind which i finished recently) and i hope to finish it in succession similar to my first. I have had a LOT of fun with this hobby and am hoping to keep it up, hope you all enjoy this build log as much as i will enjoy the build. side notes, i am keeping it as faithful to the instructions as i possibly can, maybe making a few minor changes to the model because i didnt like how Occre did it but feel free to leave suggestions or criticisms as much as you like because they are all welcome.
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