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  1. Thanks, Keith. This is an awesome learning experience for sure. For now we are going to keep it safe in a spare room away from the kids and the 3 cats! Will do some more physical checkup on the boat model itself, in case if we missed any marks.
  2. Hi, Keith. Thanks for the information. Unfortunately, no tag there. What is the manufacture's name of this Germany company in the photo? Perhaps I might be able to Google on to see if there are some reference to some ship models? Will keep you posted. Thanks.
  3. First of all, Happy New Year. My bother-in-law just saved this battleship model boat from the curbside. It was from an apt building, so no idea of the previous owner. To my limited knowledge, this battleship does not appear to be modeled after any real one, I think. Is this something worth having a professional to restore/fix? or should we use this as an opportunity to learn how to fix/repair on our own? Thanks. Howard
  4. That's a great point, Roger. I did a search on US patent for that number, however, it appears it's for Mowing Machine (See image attached). I will take a look when I am there, and see if there are holes in the stem and stern posts.
  5. That's a great point, Clare. I did a search on US patent for that number, however, it appears it's for Mowing Machine (See image attached)
  6. Thanks, Clare. From the look of the wood, does it appear to be in the mid 1800? or early 1900? Also, is there a searchable database for the museum catalog number on the internet? Have a wonderful weekend! Howard and Olivia
  7. Thanks, Bob. I did a quick research and found patent 19,693 (Joseph Francis);URL links below. Guessing from the 19083 vs 19693 (610 difference), I suppose they are likely from the same year? https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/search/object/nmah_844264
  8. Thanks, Clark. We might have them professionally restored in early Summer.
  9. Thank you, Keith. Will do. Any recommended display stand for this patent model boat?
  10. Thank you, Baker, for this awesome and amazing information. Was Pile, Ernest Edward a model ship builder and/or naval architect?
  11. He was with Science Research Associates, then IBM's field engineering dept until retirement. There are no other inscription on the stem post. The shadows adjacent to F19083 inscription are brass nails. I will take another look when we are there later on today.
  12. Thank you, Bob, for the detailed information. In regards to the "F19083", what do you think it meant? Howard and Olivia
  13. Hi, Bruce. We are (Grandfather too) in USA, East Coast (New York).
  14. Upon further estate cleaning today, we found this interesting model boat carefully packed inside a steamer trunk. It was wrapped in newspaper dated much older than both of us with Grandpa's handwriting description that says "Patent Model Lifeboat". We are not sure what that means, but definitely look interesting. There's "F19083" written on the interior wood (not Grandpa's handwriting), so we don't think Grandpa built this one. It's about 30 inches long and very light in weight. The side are all wood with tiny little brass nails and a few tiny brass screws on the bottom base. Any idea what this model boat is for? Howard and Olivia
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