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Everything posted by martimous

  1. Thanks for all the information on this, it's all an interesting read. This quote makes perfect sense to me; I've seen quite a few drawings and also pictures of a modern "replica" of the ship, and honestly, they all look slightly different, especially in the stern area. I think since this is my first ship build and is mostly just to get my feet wet for the later builds to come (seven in the queue so far...!), I'm going to take the easy way out and follow the deck sheer with the wales and just recognize that's probably not the way it was done. But now I know to watch out for it when fairing the hulls. You guys are awesome!
  2. Thanks for the info! That certainly makes sense. I think my issue is that I did the planking wrong in that the strakes don't follow the deck sheer. Lesson learned, mark the wales on the frames when fairing the hull...
  3. Hello: I've completed my very first planking job on a Mantua Santa Maria, and I was wondering about the placement of the wales. I've seen this subject discussed elsewhere on here, mostly about the thinning toward the bow rabbet, but haven't seen this specific question addressed. Am I right in thinking that the wales planks follow the line of the strake beneath them (essentially doubling that strake) and thus does not necessarily follow line of the sheer, or do the wales follow the line of the sheer and occasionally cross several strakes? See picture 1 for following the sheer and picture 2 for following the strake. Advice appreciated!! Thanks!!
  4. For those newbies that are still catching up (like me...), closed vs. open means planked versus not?
  5. Hey Dave! Hope you don't mind if I look over your shoulder. Rattlesnake looks like an interesting build, and it's next up for me I think after I finish my Santa Maria. I was reading on another guy's blog over at "Ages of Sail" where he takes the bulkheads and draws their outline on a sheet of paper then flips them over and re-draws the outline. He says this highlights the differences in symmetry on the part, and I was a little puzzled by this at first because I thought laser cut bulkheads should be perfecto. I guess your experience here with this kit shows that's not necessarily so...
  6. Ordered and on its way. I read through the manual and am curious if the relative sizes of the planks noted in the manual are constants (the widening of the plank at the sternpost, the width of the garboard and broad planks, etc.). It seems like these were sized as a percentage of the median width of the planks. It would seem those percentages would vary based on the ship under consideration. Any guidance on how these items are determined in general? Looking forward to building this...
  7. @flutlo6180Hi Ken! I think I will try out that kit from NRG...that looks like a good opportunity to practice. Thanks for the suggestion!
  8. @allanyed Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely look those up. Would like to get proficient at planking since I plan to be doing a lot of it
  9. @Dave_E I've got a long way to go before I'm at the level of the folks posting here. I suspect I will be the one doing the learning... That said, sounds like a good idea.
  10. Nice to meet you Dave_E. I go by Marty, but I've been called a lot of other things too, I expect. I see you're working on Rattlesnake; The Model Shipways version of the Rattlesnake is next on my build list after Santa Maria...
  11. Spot on. My name is Marty and I acquired that nickname at my workplace. Nice to meet everyone.
  12. Hello everyone. I'm (yet another) newbie to ship models. I built a plastic "Spanish Galleon" when I was a teenager, had fun with it. I built the "Golden Hind" from Scientific models (carved block hull) in the middle 1980's; had an even better time with that. Now I'm working on the 1:50 "Santa Maria" from Mantua that I acquired back before laser cut bulkheads was a thing. Just about done with the first hull planking. Very impressed by the precision work you guys do. Looking forward to learning from you.
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