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Everything posted by JoeMacD

  1. I installed the cockpit walls and cabin sides, painted the cabin walls black and used envelope clear plastic as windows for effect!
  2. Thank you all for your great advice! I think they are all great suggestion and i thank you all for your help in this matter!
  3. I thinking a head for my future builds and I am wondering what wood would best fill in the space between the bulkheads, easily sanded and carved but not too soft !
  4. I know there are some great offerings for scale rope, but how do I know what size rope or cables to order for any scale ship model ? I have bought a few scale model rigging books but I haven’t seen or found any table of information regarding scale rope sizes! I’m just looking for any advice on this matter. Thank you!
  5. Hello Greg, the technique you described, is there a YouTube video of it! Just that I comprehend easier when I see it done! Thanks!
  6. Looking forward to seeing more of your building of the Fair American 🇺🇸 ! I will be looking in on it as a guide for when I start mine 😊👍😎
  7. Step 11: installing the Garboard strake! I first soaked both port and starboard strake in hot water for 5 minutes, then installed temporarily , once dry I glued it in!
  8. You started with the same ambitions as I did, good luck and remember there is years of experience on the forum don’t hesitate to ask!
  9. Going a little off from the directions and instead of doing one side of the deck at a time I first glued both halves together and lightly sanded the seams then I glued the whole decking to the frames and spine a little tricky but got it done. I did put a dowel in the mast hole while installing decking!,
  10. Thanks for the compliments. My next boat in the series is the Muscongus Bay lobster smack! I started posting the build.
  11. Ok well here goes my first post of my build on Model Ship World of the Model Shipways GRAND BANKS DORY! although the boat is completed, I'll start from photo one to the finished picture. I wound up purchasing a small table saw getting hyped up with the building!
  12. Hello Ben, the rope on the front and back of my Dory is from Ropes of Scale! thank you they are great!, I will also be using them on my Pram , 👍😎
  13. Hello and my name is Joe, I recently turned 60 and due to some personal injuries, I've had to slow down some on some of my hobbies. I build and fly remote control giant scale aircraft most of the time. but due to job position changes and personal injuries not allowing me to lift heavy objects. Ever since I was a little boy, I was fascinated with sailing ships, along with WW2 airplanes. I've built many plastic models over the years. When I was 10 years old, I built and fully rigged with sails the REVELL USS CONSTITUTION. I was very proud of that ship. the family had to move across country from New York to California and I had to leave the models behind. Back in the 90's I had purchased the Swift double POF kit along with the solid hull phantom kit. I have started both kits back then but never finished them. I also purchased the Mamoli USS CONSTITUTION kit back then but looked but have not attempted to build it yet. So, on my 60th birthday this past January I purchased the Model Shipways 3 in one starter kit and built the Grand Banks Dory, and almost finished with the Norwegian sailing pram. My reasoning for this is I want to warm up my skills so to speak so eventually I can build a quality USS CONSTITUTION, something I can be proud of. I have posted my latest boats, once finished with the 3rd boat in the kit I'll finish the Swift and Phantom. Then I'll move on to the recently purchased "Fair American" then on to the USS CONSTITUTION. I'm enjoying the peacefulness of the hobby, it's not as stressful as building a 1/5 scale WW2 warbird with retracts and gas engine and have something go wrong and crash a 2–3-thousand-dollar investment. Another benefit i enjoy is the history behind the ships they have lives of their own and the history of the men that crewed and commanded them. Like Horatio Nelson I have learned so much about him and the British Naval history. maybe one day there's a HMS VICORY in my future.
  14. Jason thank you for posting your build of the Fair American, your build will be of great help to me when I begin building mine. I have 3 more boat models to do before I feel ready to tackle the Fair American. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!
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