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About Stefano

  • Birthday 03/01/1965

Profile Information

  • Location
    Ottawa, Canada
  • Interests
    Fly fishing, tying flies, wood woodworking, wood carving and growing vegetables.

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196 profile views
  1. Okay, I have figured it out by accident. At the very bottom of the thread there is the option to change the “theme” of how the threads are shown. I chose “uniform” theme and then I can see the “follow” option. thsnk you all for your help.
  2. Strange, I do not see that with my iPhone using Chrome.
  3. I have searched but cannot seem to find information on how to follow a tread, post or build. Could someone please help me. Thank you.
  4. Thank you all, I will hopefully do okay at this new hobby, especially with the wealth of information and advice from experienced members here on MSW!
  5. Thank you for approving my membership. I am into woodworking and wood carving. I am now inspired to build a few model ships in the next several months (we do have 2 nice sailing ships including the Endeavour that were built by my father-in-law). I have some books and tools so it makes sense to give it a go. I have my eye on the HMS Ontario, but I may start with a very small sailboat just to get my feet wet! Now just gathering historical information, build vids and logs, and ideas. Cheers.
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