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Papa Duke

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Everything posted by Papa Duke

  1. Agree white glue for deck boards and such in my opinion, learned from mistakes contact glue doesn't give enough time to get wood placed right if u don't have it perfect the first time. Used white gorilla glue for about everything now except for , very small pieces eyes , rigging and such. But like said in most discussion everyone has their preference
  2. Anytime, don't check constantly here but I do ever few days so give me time to reply . But like everyone here on this site I'll help anyway I can
  3. Its a good kit , definitely worth it. As for ur first build well that's up for debate. This gives u a bit of everything from double hull planking, ratlines , etc. Do alot of reading, all the YouTube videos u can handle. I did a small simple plank on kit , like 20 bucks on Amazon first just to get my feet wet. But long as u have patience, read videos and ask questions before u start or move to the next step . You'll be fine . This is my first major kit . Lots of mistakes but almost all can be fixed . It is a wood kit. But hope this helps. If you do this same kit as me I'd be glad to help whenever u need. Oh going to do the rigging, unsure about the sails. Kinda like the sailless finish product.
  4. Oh and for some unknown reason I spend a lot of spare time looking into which build I'm going do next. Dang hobbies. Lol
  5. 8. Now seems I'm into the slow portion, masts and rigging. Lol bowsprit almost done haven't permanent fixed it yet , have finished the formast and parts . My thread work sucks but I'm learning it and getting better ever time. It is in no way perfect as such I've seen but still loving this . Haven't had as much time to work this past month or so but I'm in no hurry. Going to start main mast and onto ratlines next. Need to stain and mount the masts before. Just doing as much research on this before hand. Almost debating leaving off the sails at the end. With so many I've seen they seem to cover up so much of the details and work you've done. But then again I need to learn how to attach them. Well going to relax , watch build videos and read up by my pool for the day. Enjoy my fellow builders.
  6. I haven't, got a lot done since that last post I need to update it. But ty
  7. 7. Still working progress, need to get the back of threading small thread threw small drill holes and such. Been dabbing the end of the thread in ca glue then trimming a point been working for me . And good tweezers I found out. But just a bit more to the decking , guns and some small paint and stain touch ups . But I'm no where close to the skill level and detail that I've seen on here but I couldn't be happier with my progress. Being retired I needed something to occupy my time and money LOL . Not sure how most newbies to this hobby fair or even finish their ships. But this old guy is loving it. I'm looking but holding back on my next purchase. But plz comment tips and issues learning more every day.
  8. 6. Been a bit since my last post. And by the pics come along way. Well not much really,lots of paint,stain etc. Almost have all the deck fixtures done. Still working on a few of them cannons etc. Absolutely loving this. Now my work not as good as you pro's but I'm really satisfied with how it's turning out. Had difficulty drilling the holes in such small pieces. Some are off center but I'm enjoying the learning process as well. Still need to do a good varnish before I place the fixtures on the deck. But still few days away from that or more . Never realized how bad my old mans eye site was. But good light and good reading glasses helps.
  9. 5. Lots of progress and lots of mistakes. But learned so much in the process. Need to use a chamfering for the planks and the thin sapelli planks are easy to form but chip and split even easier. But I'm really satisfied with what I've accomplished. Had to spend some long times fixing mistakes but again as my first real build I'm learning. Couple months in about got the hull , bulwarks, planks and some trim on. But more real light sanding and then staining.i know the bulwark look like they have a sharper edge rather then a nice bend. I soaked them and formed a better with some scrap bracing. And formed a smoother bend . Test fitted the top rails on a few times and once I set em on they look good and no sharp bend showing.
  10. Looks good to me , as my next one it will be so any issues feel free to post em.
  11. Working on the albatross right now. But I've been eyeing this one. Know it's not a scale version of a real ship but. I'm with ya just looks really nice and unique all put together. I'll be following this and ordering it lol.
  12. Thanks didn't notice that , should have waited on some pics , I've done a lot more to the hull. Since I posted. Fixed the gap in the bow, filed down more on the hull so the planks are smooth and uniform both sides. I'll test the coverings on the sides to get the right coverage. And ty, I'm addicted to this. Oh and how do u recommend fixing the crease. What technique would you use.
  13. Thanks I've heard that about the sapelli. Hopefully I'll be starting the second ok layer this weekend.
  14. 4. Well got the first run of planking finished. And all faired down only took well a lot of sanding lol. But for my first real ship think did well. Didn't clamp and set the planks flat enough so some kicked up to the side long ways. But a long file and some 60 grit sand block fixed that. The bow and stern were my weakness. As you can tell from the pics.I learned a lot so all is good. Little bit more fine sanding to do left I want the second planking to sit nice and flat.
  15. Honestly unsure , but from my knowledge vertical or many boards would mean more joints to seal therefore more spots for possible water leaks.
  16. 3. Needed a better workplace , forgot had nice wood bench collecting dust . Some progress over last few weeks , deck and hull all finished up. Started the planking process which honestly is so much easier for this scale of ship the the small Entry longboats I did prior. Lol few minor mistakes made but as I have learned as carpenter all these years wood can be fixed. One in particular is the stern it did split on me as I shaped it. Left soak for an HR in water. Just think I let it dry to much before I accidentally started the bend . But have a plan to fix. Few pics to follow ans always any tips or input is always welcome.
  17. Was curious to tree nail or not on my albatross. Looking at yours, I believe I'll tree nail as well. Question what technique did you do, baboo , colored putty, or I have seen one man use black fishing line .
  18. 2. Made myself a homemade vise to work with. Scarp hardwood and a couple bucks for screws. Works well for me. Got all the hull squared up and glued down. Very impressed with the quality of Occre material's
  19. Nice. Maybe we can team up solve issues and share tips and such.
  20. 1. Opening, material check ,cut out the hull piece's and dry fitted.
  21. Nice lived all over the state, just bit west of Charlotte now
  22. Already found them for the albatross lol
  23. Going start The OcCre Albatross. Been a few years since I've worked on one but I have done some small rowboats, 18th century longboat. Been actually on the site for few weeks , just waited until the model came in to start my first post. Been reading a lot, videos, blogs, etc and doing the research on the Occre models. Hopefully they are as good as I read on them. But Ty for adding me. With the vast experience and knowledge bas here. Plus I'm a old carpenter and retired sailor. I believe I'll do fine. Looking Forward to getting started.
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