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François de Saint Nazaire

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Everything posted by François de Saint Nazaire

  1. Thank you, Brian. As you may notice, I was inspired by Timmo and Joe V for the colors of the transom. I also added rudder pendants with cable as mentioned in Wolfram zu Mondfeld's book. Have a nice day
  2. Hello, Transom decoration in place, stern light window frame also Taffrail capping and counter rail fitted.
  3. Hello Chris, Very nice. I'm a bit surprised by the size of the draft mark. When will you propose french ship 😉
  4. Well, I've made some nice progress since the last update, and am just now getting caught up with the photos. The windlass and the belfry Galley flue painted and installed. Quarterdeck rail installed with the finger and thumb timberheads and the main brace sheave block Pumps fitted ans painted (pumps close to the mizzen mast moved forward because it was to close the quaterdeck bulkhead) Jeer bitts & main sail topsail sheet bitts fitted ans painted in red ladders main deck to quarterdeck and main deck to forecastle fitted
  5. Hello, During holidays I did the rudder ( I'm not so happy of the result, the rudder pintle straps and the hull gudgeon straps are not fully in line with the AOTS), deck guns and carriage (without the rigging I will do it later) and I start the windlass with belfry (nice piece from Jotika). As you notice I will not paint the hull in white. May be my last post before the new year. Ami modéliste je vous souhaite un excellent réveillon !
  6. Hello, Stern fascia and stern counter doned and also the famous quaterdeck bulkhead. My friends suggest to paint the bulkhead in red instead of the french blue and to paint the decal in gold. Quaterdeck fitted and planked with the grating, The quaterdeck bulwarks is finish and the capping rails in progress.
  7. Hello James, Nice project with beautiful history. It is a good starting Have enjoy
  8. Thank you Brian, it is good to share the same project you in USA and me in France. The net is magic. Like you, may be, I will not paint the hull in white. Next step for me the stern Fascia ! Have a nice day
  9. Hello Gentlemen, Completion of the second planking Lining the gunports with lids Inner bulwark spirketting inner bulwark sheer rail Upper gun deck grating, hatches,coamings and spanshackles Fitting the forecastle Planking the forecastle The quality of the kit is very good
  10. Hello Mortars housing and bed done Planking of the upper deck Fit the inner bulwark pattern Liningthe gunports without Lids next step completion of the second planking...
  11. Brian, Glad to see that you're back. I understand that the instructions are not so clear for the rigging. I discover Danish oil. How do you explain these choice ?
  12. Hi, The whale and the second planking from the wale to the false keel is finished. The second planking is laid using 1x4 mm walnut. The color of the walnut is very heterogenous. I used the darker for the bottom. I did 3 dropstrakes close to the sternpost. Next step the upper gun deck and may be the sternpost and the stern counter even it should be to a later stage according to the instructions. For the white painting I think that is too early.
  13. Hi josh, very nice you really upgrade the kit. Sometime it would be interesting to use a figurine to evaluate the scale.1:70. Again bravo !
  14. Hi Josh, it is up to you but take care if you mastic too much it will be visible. even painted in black details of the hull (example the graiin of the wood) is visible at the end. Courage ; "Fortitudine vincimus"
  15. Hi Josh, Could you give me the link to these instructions. Thank you in advance
  16. Hi Josh, I remembered that the last planking (fore part) was difficult with always "clinker effect" Do you soaked the planking ? I used also a electric plank bending (from AMATI). it is magic Before to start the second planking I suggest to fit the keel. Very nice stealer !
  17. I blackened the chain but it possible to buy black one. It is what I did for the command of the steering
  18. hi Josh one link but not sure that's from Endurance. To be check https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10220932207752025&set=p.10220932207752025&type=3
  19. Hi for the propeller ( I bought a brass one with 2 blades from Raboesch) ; type A diameter 30 mm M4 left (code 145-02). Just for information. FJZ
  20. Hi, At this stage it could be good to fit the garboard Plank but it is up to you. Your log is very clear. For the stern the ply former have the advantage to give the good geometry (volume). Have a nice day
  21. Hi, First planking completed. 2 stealers at the stern, rabbet for the stem. 1 filler block for the stern and of course hull plank tapering. a good training before the second planking. Next step the Wale !
  22. Hi, The planking of the deck is vey nice and realistic, Bravo ! you really improve the model
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