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François de Saint Nazaire

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Everything posted by François de Saint Nazaire

  1. Hello, Anchors in place for starboard. Finally, the fish davit will be used for the portside bower anchor.
  2. Hello, I have a question about fish davit. What do you think about the stowage location for a fish davit when it's not in use? I found specific information about the stowage of fish davits in a book, but it's not applicable to the Granado because there is no waist. Do you think Caldercraft's proposition of crossing the ship is a good idea? Thank you for your help François
  3. Hello, I have a question about the fish davit. What do you think of the stowage location for the fish davit when it's not in use ? I haven't found any specific information regarding the stowage of fish davits. Thank you for your help
  4. Thanks, Brian, much appreciated. I confirm that the quality of the rigging is very good, in line with both AOTS and James Lees' book. Courage Brian 😉
  5. Hello, The braces of the The Spritsail Yard, The Main Yard, The Main Topmast Yard, The Main Topgallant YardandThe Crossjack Yard are done. The rigging of the driver boom and driver gaff will be the next stage.
  6. Guten Tag Joachim, I'm glad you enjoyed Port Louis in Brittany. It's a lovely city. Thank you for the pictures. The model is "Le Massiac," a flute from the Compagnie des Indes, built in 1758 at Lorient. Freundliche Grüße
  7. Dear Brian I used two lights, one on each side of the ship. I believe this is the first time you've asked about it. Yes, I glued the masts and bowsprit before rigging. To me, it seems like the normal approach. Do you progress with your Granado ?
  8. All of the yards are hung, and ties, halyards, parrels, slings etc... are complete for all. She really looks like a ship now! Pictures for the main mast
  9. Hello, lower Ratlines and swivel guns in progress. I don't mind doing them, and I do get into a bit of a rhythm as I go, but I'm just a bit slow with the process.
  10. Hello Brian, Glad to see your work! Your choice of black is unique and very effective in revealing details. what means "a little international science and adventuring"
  11. Hello, Standing rigging in progress Anchor Cable and Messenger Tackle Pendants Lower Mast Shrouds futtock stave
  12. Thank you very much for your explanations and references (Romme's dictionary). So, perhaps the use of quarter blocks for footropes is a mistake?
  13. Dear Johan, I was very impressed by your model, your approach, and your knowledge. I responded to your last post because I am currently working on the rigging of the main yard for the Granado (Bomb vessel's kit by Jotika). In the book (AOTS by P Goodwin), they mention quarter blocks for footropes (see picture). What is the difference between a quarter block and a double block (french translation "poulie de bas-cul" by David H. Roberts )? What is the function of quarter blocks? Are they also used for footropes ? Again "Bravo votre corvette est magnifique"
  14. Hello, I've spent the last week or so constructing all of the yards, gaffs,finish the tops, and booms, as well as the ensign and jack staffs. Now on to horses, blocks etc...
  15. Hello gentlemen, Being worked on the bowsprit. I might sand the cleats down a bit. Your comments are always welcome! Have a nice day
  16. Hello, Soon, the mast and the rigging will be done. It's already been 8 months! This kit is great. I'm currently assembling the channels, chain plates and deadeyes I'll likely wait until the shrouds are fitted to ensure the chainplates are secured to the hull at the correct angle.
  17. Thank you Brian, For the rigging, it was inspired by a the book of David Antscherl. I will not fit the training tackle. I will not coil the rope like a "fromage". It was not possible to used tackle hooks (too small!). Have a nice day
  18. Hello, Fitted the anchor lining and fenders. Fitted the side steps (doing it myself). Fitted the tiller and tiller housing. Starting the rigging of the main deck gun. Fitted the hawse hole bolster (added a piece of tin to the hole).
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