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Posts posted by GlenB

  1. Hi all, I'm Glen from Sydney Australia.


    I've been plastic modelling for a few years and doing some scratchbuilding in wood and styrene, mostly easy structures, but now it's time to try the big time.
    I'm starting off easy with OcCre's Polaris. My other hobby, oil painting, has taught me that thought and planning happen before the first brush stroke hits the canvas, so I'm treating this hobby with the same approach. I've just started the planking, it's so satisfying getting them to lay down.
    I joined the merchant navy out of school and did that for 6 years, carrying various cargo around Australia and steel to New Zealand. I'm always doing something creative and I like modelling, it's both cerebral and manual.
    Not sure if I will contribute much to the forum but I'll certainly give my 2c if I've discovered something. All the best!
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