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Everything posted by KarenM

  1. it becomes clear what the ship's hull will look like.
  2. Started to cover the body with slats
  3. In the evening I glue the strip, in the morning I break it off. And so on 2 times. I still couldn't get an even and correct line.
  4. The hardest part was attaching the first strip. I had to tear it off and glue it back on twice.
  5. I bought myself a machine for thin drills. Now it will be easier to make loops for gun ports.
  6. This is the second option, I didn’t like the first option.
  7. I got tired of making gun ports and decided to draw a little. I drew wreaths for gun ports.
  8. I'm cutting out the gun ports. I had little time in the summer, now everything will go faster.
  9. Our modelers make their own tools for modelers. Some very successful tools are put into production and sold to others. There are also branded tools, but they still have to be modified. For example, all Prokson machines are modified. We make stops and guides ourselves.
  10. I know about this plane. Mine is of the same quality as Veritas.
  11. The ship's hull is assembled and sanded. Now I'll start cutting out the gun ports and finishing the stern.
  12. He made this mini plane for all the modellers I know.
  13. A friend of mine makes such a tool to order. It is very convenient for them to process the hull of a ship.
  14. I assembled half of the ship's hull.
  15. I make the minimum distance and then manually adjust it to fit the bow of the ship.
  16. I started building the ship from the bow. I want to build a small part, then sand the inside. If the fragment is large, sanding will be inconvenient.
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