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Dave Wood

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  1. Ship with some of its earlier prototypes before they are melted down - see this video for details of how I recycle my old prints.
  2. After correct colour masts added and initial cleanup. Will probably do a version will fuller sails, plus might even create a 1943 'grey' version. Pictured with rest of 3d printed 1:250 fleet
  3. Multi Colour print now ready to start. Will print masts and sails separately - as otherwise the colour changes between white and brown will take almost 2 days. 50% printed
  4. After some improvements to the supports back half printed almost perfectly. Not sure whether to rig it with thread or wire - looks quite nice with LED light strings.
  5. First complete print - still a bit messy - but getting closer In printer Up closer For scale - size comparison with P&O Arvia 1:250
  6. Print came out fairly well - but a few tweaks required Masts swayed a bit while printing - so going to try to see if some temporarily horizontal stabilisers help too
  7. Supports now applied to all sails, and ship now properly split into 2 sections for printing single colour at a scale of 1:250. Next step is a single colour test print of the rear half.
  8. Making progress on Sea Cloud 3d print - initial single colour attempt at 3d print (without enough supports). Adding some custom supports seems to have fixed the issue
  9. came across the rest of the Sea Cloud fleet in Lanzarote last week (while on Cunard Queen Victoria) - Sea Cloud Spirit See Cloud 2 From Queen Victoria (pictured in Madeira with one of my other models)
  10. Has been wrestling with what to do about the ropes - whether to 3d print them etc. - Decided in the first instance to try making them out of copper wire led strings - The wires are doubled up and are about 0.25mm diameter - with the led's about 100mm apart. Should like quite good hopefully. Example render attached. Day time Night time
  11. Fair bit more progress on the some of the deck stuff and decoration
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