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Justin M

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About Justin M

  • Birthday 06/30/1985

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    Grand Junction, Colorado

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  1. I got a little more work done on the Dory. I glued in the side cleats and got the false stem put on I used a piece of the wider strip for the seat supports to cover where i got the planks too wide on the stem then I put a piece of the strip for the cleats on top of that to get a good bevel.
  2. Well, got the planking done and did some light clean up. I like how the transom ended up i think a little finish sanding and that will be how it stays The planks on the bow ended up a little offset but I think I can clean that up while sanding to get ready for the false stem in the next step. All in all I'm happy about how things are going and I am having a lot of fun so I guess that's a win so far.
  3. Got the broad planks on and sanded down. It's a little off from my earlier mistake with the stem but it's manageable at the moment. I got a knick on the transom when I trimmed the planks back there, nothing that won't sand out later though. I realized what the inside rolling edge was for and how it should have been done. I kind of like how it looks on the transom so will probably keep it, but I figure I will need to sand it down on the bow for the false stem that will be going there. Got the sheer plank bent and drying right now. I had to modify where I placed the planks because of the new dimensions of the bow to make things look right (at least to my eye). I'm learning more with every step which was my main goal with this build so I guess things are going as planned in that respect.
  4. Ok, so I got the garboards on and sanded down, now on to getting the broad planks bent into shape.
  5. I had noticed the horizontal difference but hadn't considered the vertical. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Sadly I got frustrated with the stem falling off too many times trying to reglue it and super glued it on and have one of the garboard planks glued in place. Looking at it now I can see where I'm going to have some issues going forward. I appreciate the advice and will keep it in mind going forward.
  6. Hello all, I'm new to building Model ships but have been interested in doing so for a long time. I got started with the Lowell Grand Banks Dory that I got from a local hobby store. I got on this forum a little later so I don't have all of my progress to this point but I have the frame built and the garboard planks bent to shape. The second one is clamped on and drying. I had some issues with too strong of a clamp and I broke the stem off luckily it was all in one piece. I got it glued back on but the angle was off and I had to cut the slot for the stem in the building board back. I found a new clamp that turned out to be too strong as well and broke the stem in half... I got that glued back together and found the mini clothespins that seem to be just right for this.
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