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Everything posted by Flyfisher

  1. This may be a solution, although it might not be the right one. I don’t really want to go all the way back to a new hull as @KurtH has suggested, but if I restore the profile and affix the sternpost at that height, it almost matches the keel. Then I can keep the rudder the right length and attach all the gudgeons and pintles in the right spot So, do you think that makes sense? Thanks Jim PS. It was a good idea to ask @MrBlueJacket to weigh in with his thoughts. Thanks for the suggestion
  2. Thanks to @KurtH, I was able to redo the lower part of the stern counter to both match the profile and cover the transom. But this created another set of issues When the profile is correct, the sternpost is too long by about ¼”. So, I cut a notch to make the sternpost fit. Much closer, but now I’m not sure this is the right fix. Should I leave the lower counter with the right profile and shorten the sternpost (and rudder) or file down the lower counter to its new position??? Or what??? I’m hoping someone with BJ experience can offer advice. Thank Jim
  3. I have completed shaping the hull using the templates, but I ran into some trouble with the bow. I marked the bottom of the template (or the base level I was aiming for) with red washable marker. The templates showed a steep cut along the keel before flaring out at the bow. I stupidly didn’t look at any reference photos, just plowed ahead until I realized it was way off course and I needed to fill about 2 inches to restore the right profile. So, using leftover planks and shaping them as I went, I managed to fix my screw up There’s a sign over my bench that says “Pay Attention Dummy”. Upcoming: hours of sanding and filing and finishing Jim
  4. Thanks KurtH and G8rfan for the heads up. I’m going to check both today. In the meantime, I have been carving the template stations with a ¼” gouge from the centerline to the stern. What strikes me most is that the depth of the cut is deeper on the starboard side than the port. Port Starboard Next up, I’m going to make an initial pass on the starboard side to smooth the hull and see what the profile looks like. Jim
  5. Hello all, My name is Jim Martin coming to you from South Carolina and I’m tackling Bluejacket’s notoriously difficult Constitution. This will be my third model, having recently completed the HMS Beagle. I have been lurking on the logs of most other builders, both Bluejacket and MSW. I plan to shamelessly copy your best ideas giving credit wherever possible. I’m a slow builder so don’t post a lot, and my technique is pretty average. I hope you guys will bear with me and provide help as I join a bunch of others who all seem to be doing a good job. I have marked the hull, cut the templates and shaped the profile. Now to shape the hull. Finished Beagle The only pic of me at Nic’s place in Maine The first tool-to-wood action: removing the stern plug The only tip I can offer so far is that the instructions called for scoring a centerline along the keel rabbet. Since it was difficult to keep track of the line, I used a string fastened to the bow and transom and marked and scored it along that line
  6. Thanks. Sounds like glue is the most effective solution
  7. Alas,that’s what I’m doing now (gluing.)I’m building the Occre Beagle and this is some part that fits on the bow. I had a wild hair to solder the pieces because my glue jobs are sloppy. Hate to offend anyone, but I’m just experimenting
  8. Has anyone ever had any luck soldering brass to cast metal parts? I’m at the point on the Beagle where about seven pieces of brass and cast metal must be assembled. I just spent all day trying to find a way to solder them together. No luck. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks. Jim
  9. Greetings fellow glue heads. I am working on the Occre Beagle, and it kinda bugs me that the four cannons are just static decorations on the deck. Has anyone ever tried to place them in the gunports? I would rather construct the model to look like a working ship than a museum piece and this is one direction I’m considering. Thanks Jim Martin
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