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Lind Mihály

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Everything posted by Lind Mihály

  1. Üdvözlöm a Tagokat! 

    Kérdéssel fordulok önökhöz, hozzátok. Az Apostol Felipe spanyol galeon szinte fellelhetetlen az interneten. Szeretnék minél többet tudni róla, most kezdtem el az Occre készletet,de szeretném minél jobban elkészíteni. Esetleg ha lenne ötlet, segítség... nagyon megköszönném.


    Lind Mihály 


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    2. Lind Mihály

      Lind Mihály

      Hello Members! 


      I have a question for you, for you. The Spanish galleon Apostol Felipe is almost impossible to find on the internet. I would like to know more about it, I just started the Occre kit, but I would like to make it as good as possible. Maybe if you have an idea, help... I would be very grateful.


      Best regards


      Lind Mihály

    3. Paul Le Wol

      Paul Le Wol

      Hi Lind, it would be better to ask your question in the “Discussions For Ships Plans and Project Research. General Research on specific vessels and ship types “ forum. Go to Browse > Forums > Discussions For Ships Plans and Project Research. Good luck with your project!

    4. Lind Mihály
  2. A deszkázásnál kipróbáltam egy fa hatású bemosó festéket, amit műanyag maketteknél alkalmaznak... egészen különleges, dió hatása van. Olyan mintha tényleg tömítés lenne a deszkák között.
  3. Yes, I'm at the same point now and I have a spinal discolouration... I'd be interested to know how you managed to solve it, thanks in advance for your help! Best regards Mihály Lind Hungary
  4. They were very nice at Occre, sent me the spare parts, I'm going to try the second deck on full guns. I'm going to get the support shored up somehow. I hope it will be good.
  5. Most próbáltam egyeztetni az Occrével, mert az alsó fedélzeti ágyukat szeretném kicserélni teljesen ágyúkra, legfeljebb csinálok támasztékot nekik, de szeretném megvilágított állapotban látni.
  6. Welcome! I would like to ask for help, I saw that you are assembling models with lighting I am just starting to model and I will be honest with you. I would like to ask for advice on lighting, maybe plans, pictures. Thank you very much in advance for your help! Best regards Lind Mihály from Hungary
  7. Welcome! I would like to ask for help, I saw that you are assembling models with lighting I am just starting to model and I will be honest with you. I would like to ask for advice on lighting, maybe plans, pictures. Thank you very much in advance for your help! Best regards Lind Mihály from Hungary
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