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M Arnold

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    Ship modeling of 17th and 18th century war ships. I’m interested in both British and the Continental/Federal ships of the U.S. Navy.

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  1. Thank you Snug Harbor Johnny. It has taken a while and is a labor of love. I appreciate the offer of adding another book to my collection but I’ll pass on the offer for a couple reasons… 1. It really is outside my field of interest and I wouldn’t want to just add another book that wouldn’t be used very much. I’m sure there are others who would actually use this book for builds they are planning or are currently building. 2. Being new to this forum I’m still learning what is acceptable and what is not. I do not want to cross any boundaries that would be frowned upon with regards to “business dealings”… You do bring up an excellent point though. One I hadn’t considered. I also have a couple of duplicates in my collection. I wonder what the best way would be to offer them up as a donation to any group members that actually need them and would use them without the possibility of someone just obtaining them to list on eBay or another site.
  2. I loved being in Perth Western Australia. It brings back fond memories of seeing the Southern Cross while out on missions. The Australian Navy is a great bunch of folks… don’t ever get into a drinking match with them, you’ll lose every time😊
  3. I’ve always had an interest in building/making wooden sailing ship models. I’ve just never had the time to actually build due to spouse, kids, space and long deployments (US Navy). You always think you’ll eventually get an opportunity to finally get the chance to start but… things always have a habit of getting moved to the head of the line and other things get pushed back towards the end of the list. And time slips by fast… I’m finally at a stage in life that I can devote to a younger me’s desires. That’s not to say I’ve done nothing with regards to model ship building. I’m interested in the American Colonial and Revolutionary Navy. The interest stems from my years of “Haze Gray and Underway” with the modern U.S. Navy. While I didn’t have the time or space to actually build I’ve always had my head buried in books about wooden sailing man-o-war ship models. I’ve picked up books whenever they’ve been available and they’ve provided me with numerous hours of enjoyment while deployed or traveling. I currently have a Sloop Privateer that I’ve just started. In the closet sits the USS Constitution that I picked up years ago as well as a scratch build of Rattlesnake using Harold Hahn’s plans. Between the 3 it’s probably all I can hope to accomplish. I make bamboo fly rods so a lot of those tools (Sherline lathe, Model Machines mini table saw and thickness sander) carry over to wooden ships. I also have an extensive research library that I’ve collected over the years that provides me with a lot of enjoyment just reading or thumbing through the pictures and drawings. Anyway I will say thank you in advance because I’m sure I’ll have questions and if I can contribute in some small way I will help anyone as much as I’m able. I’ll paste my current research library titles so that if anyone has question I “might” be able to look it up for you. If you have suggestions for additions to my library let me know. I find I like collecting reference books also. My current research library: Nelson’s Navy - Brian Lavery Sailing Ships of the U.S. Navy - Donald L. Canney The Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War 1620-1860 - James Lees The Arming and Fitting of English Ships of War 1600-1815 - Brian Lavery The Construction and Fitting of the English Man of War 1650-1850 - Peter Goodwin A Most Fortunate Ship. A Narrative History of Old Ironsides - Tyrone G. Martin Old Ironsides The Rise, Decline, and Resurrection of the USS Constitution - Thomas C. Gillmer Anatomy of a Ship The 44 gun Frigate USS Constitution - Karl H. Marquardt USS Constitution A Midshipman’s Pocket Manual 1814 The Baltimore Clipper - Howard Chapelle The History of the American Sailing Navy - Howard Chapelle The Search for Speed Under Sail - Howard Chapelle Arming the Fleet. U.S. Navy Ordnance in the Muzzle Loading Era - Spencer Tucker American Ships of the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods- John F. Millar Ships of John Paul Jones - William Gilkerson Ships of the American Revolution and their models - Harold M. Hahn The Colonial Schooner 1763-1775 - Harold M Hahn The Boats of Men-of-War - W. E. May Ships of the American Revolutionary Navy - Mark Lardas Shipbuilding in Colonial America - Joseph A. Goldenberg The Schooner its Design and Development from 1600 to the Present - David Macgregor Architectura Navalis Mercatoria. The Classic 18th Century Naval Architecture - Fredrik Henrik af Chapman Ship Modeler’s Shop Notes - Nautical Research Guild American Sailing Craft - Howard Chapelle The visual Encyclopedia Nautical Terms Under Sail - Crown Publishers Inc. A Sea of Words - Dean King The Young Sea Officers Anchor or a Key to the Leading of Rigging and Practical Seamanship - Darcy Lever Ornamental Borders, Scrolls and Cartouches in Historic Decorative Styles - Syracuse Ornamental Company Heraldic Crests A Pictorial Archive of 4,424 Designs - James Fairbairn Flags at Sea - Timothy Wilson American Small Sailing Craft. The Design, Development, and Construction- Howard Chapell The History of American Sailing Ships - Howard Chapelle The Marlinspike Sailor - Harvey Garrett Smith Modeling the Brig-of-War Irene - E. W. Petrejus Scale Model Sailing Ships - Mayflower Books Ship Models. How to Build Them - Charles Davis The Built-Up Ship Model- Charles Davis The Ship Model Builder’s Assistant- Charles Davis The Rigging of Ships in the Days of the Spritsail and Topmast 1600-1720 - R. C. Anderson American Sailing Ships. Their Plans and History - Charles Davis Historic Ship Models - Wolfram zu Mondfeld Ship Modeling Simplified - Frank Mastini Ship Modeling from Scratch - Edwin Leaf Ships and Seamen of the American Revolution. Vessels,Crews, Weapons, Gear, and Naval Tactics - Jack Coggins Rigging Period Ship Models - Lennarth Peterson Ship Modeling from Stem to Stern - Milton Roth Model Open Boats - Ewart Freeston The Shipcarver’s Handbook. How to design and Execute Traditional Marine Carvings - Jay S. Hanna Carving Ornamentation for Ship Models - Bill Short Rigging Period Fore and Aft Craft - Lennarth Peterson 32 Gun Frigate Essex. Building a POF Model - Portia Takakjian The Neophyte Shipmodeler’s Jackstay - George Campbell Elements of Mastmaking, Sailmaking and Rigging (reprint) - David Steel The Illustrated Guide for Modeling HMS Warrior (74) 1781 (Volumes 1,2,3,4,5 pt 1 and 2) - Reverend William J. Romero. Seamanship in the Age of Sail: An Account of Shiphandling of the Sailing Man-O-War 1600-1860 - John Harland
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