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Everything posted by Robska

  1. Good call! That means that the floor of the cockpit between the stairs is about 80cm. Would that be enough to move and steer?
  2. Alright, I am back at it. The holiday season is well and truly behind us. I took the suggestion of @amateur and looked at the deck layout. I fixed the placement of the cabin deck, and cleaned up the topology a bit. Now lets tackle the cockpit location and layout for good. I did some more research and found a few images (I believe someone provided me with the link to the model earlier) and also a drawing with a person (which gives me a sense of scale). If I set the cockpit floor at about the same height as the model, then the cabin doors are about 1.2m height. Is that possible? I dont expect the doors to be 1.8m or more I just want to make sure that is somewhat realistic. I intend to place bences on the side of the cockpit as seen in the model. Would there be any camber in the cockpit floor? How does water leave the cockpit area if it gets wet? This is the intended layout of the cockpit deck, the forward and aft cabin. Both cabins have 3 steps down to the floor. I believe the forward cabin ends just before the mast. Any comments on this layout? I also changed the waterline. Somehow the waterline was moved. Waldemar had set the right position for the waterline, so I returned it to that position. This week I will be restarting the modelling of this beautiful 'jacht'.
  3. Last week I finished the general setup of the stern/transom. The transom timber is connected to the whale, but how exactly is unknown for me. Is this accurate enough? Should it line up more precise? I also added the three decks; foredeck, cabin deck and the lower deck. The foredeck has slight upwards curve towards the bow. I also added a bit of camber to the decks. This feels like a very realistic amount of camber, what do you think? One last image, as a bonus What should I take on next? The general layout of the cockpit? The aft cabin doors? The forward cabin setup? The mast or leeboard? Or something else? I am going to take a small break over the new year. In case I dont see ya: Good afternoon, Good evening, and Good night!
  4. Sadly, I could try to gut the surfaces using the knife tool in Blender. Then I have lots of extra vertices, need to find a way to delete extra vertices while keeping the shape consistent. Otherwise I will just go with texture. This is kinda a test for a sailing game I want to make. So the model needs to look nice, detailed and believable but I am not going for 100% realism. Oh you got me interested. Can you tell me more about the differences in planking between European navies of the 17th century? Are there good sources available online where I can learn more about this?
  5. Indeed, but I do not want to ask Waldemar to do that. I want to know how to do this in Blender myself. Because I intend to make more ships, so an optimal workflow is needed.
  6. I am currently working on doing some retopology on the hull of this yacht. Inspired by the planking shown by Waldemar and the method used by @3DShipWright I started work on that. But it seems to be quite the challenge, I watched some youtube videos but it's all very labor intensive and I have not found the right method to give me the result I want. Can anyone explain me how to redo this hull topology in Blender from this: To this: I want to use this method. That is why the topology needs to follow the lines as shown in the above image. I am specifically looking to learn how to do this myself in Blender. It might be a bit unnecessary to do it this way but I see this as a learning experiment. Hopefully someone can help me out 🧐
  7. @3DShipWright could you explain how you do the texturing of this ship? For example the planking.
  8. Thanks for that first picture, that is actually very helpful. In terms of the tabernacle and even the forward cabin. I think I am going to use this one as inspiration for those parts. For the planking I might go for the suggested planking by Waldemar, de Staten Jacht Utrecht is also useful in this regard.
  9. If I understand the concept of the rabbet line correctly the inner rabbet line is the part of the planking closest to the frames and furthest inside the keel. wouldn't that mean that I should add the one and a half inches on top of the current hull form? I do intend to add the thickness of the planking. English is not my first language and I am also more of a visual learner so please be kind 😀
  10. @WaldemarI am very sorry, I worded that incorrectly. Now it sounds like you gave me a bad 3D model which is certainly not the case. What I meant to say is that due to you using NURBS elements some parts of the model had a weird shading in Blender. I am not knowledgeable enough to figure out what the problem was so I retraced those parts to fix that. I think the main issue here was that those parts were mostly triangles while quads are better in Blender. The main hull is only quads and did not have this issue. Sorry again, I was careless in my wording.
  11. Thanks to @Waldemar who worked out the plan in detail and even provided me with a base hull form in 3D! Due to us using different software I needed some time to clean up the topology. Below is the result of some days of work. First I started with laying out the keel. This is a good base on which the hull rests. After that I traced the main whale using the dimensions provided by Waldemar. I am unsure about the position of the “whale” on the stern. Are those two pieces connected? Do they continue as that same part or is it a different part? The side profile of the plan shows a specific profile of the wood. Let me know if you spot any issues or if you have questions. Next is cleaning up the topology of the hull. Currently the mesh density is a bit too high and there are some smaller errors in the topology.
  12. Something like this? Would this be how a tabernacle looked back then? Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. After some research I can confirm that the little hole at the bottom right of the leeboard is indeed for the rope for handling the leeboard at number 2. Still unsure about number 3 though...
  13. Yes, it does! Simple drafting plans of the hull lines including the upperworks which correct for any issue with the original are greatly appreciated. For the side, top and also the bow and stern view. Thank you very much. Will you make a new topic on this?
  14. I think I made a mistake when interpreting the explanation on how to use the scale by @amateur. Since Waldemar also pointed out that it is 40 feet. Several people have pointed out that the tiller was fixed to the top of the cabin. I found lots of models that show this. So I will assume that is what that is. Later on, when it comes to modeling the tiller I will look into how exactly this should be modeled. What is a 'luiwagen'? I couldn't find anything other then a mop 🤣 Interesting, makes total sense. So the lower part, on which the 'upper' mast pivots, is fixed to the floor on the inside of the hull? @Waldemar I might be asking too much of you. Please just be frank. But I love your work, I love what you are able to do with those plans. I have already checked out all your topics on this forum on recreating ship plans using this or other similar methods. Would you be able to recreate the plan of the ship so that I can use that for the model? 🙏🙈 @Doreltomin and also Waldemar, thanks for the plan of the "Zeil Plezier Jaght" and also the other plan with the central cabin. That is going to be immensely helpful for recreating a possible central cabin setup and the cockpit. With this setup and the right measurements the cabins are both about 1.7m in height 👌
  15. Thanks all for the lively discussion, I am learning a lot. I made the first preliminary drawings of the decks and measurements. Explanation I agree with @Lieste on the position of the fore-deck. I think this deck continues at this height up to the cockpit well. Though there is still the possibility of a forward cabin in that area just forward of the cockpit. Based on one of the plans provided by @amateur I positioned the bottom of the cockpit well on the drawing. This gives a depth up to the top of the bulwark of 1,80m. That is a fair depth imo. Based on the same plans I positioned the lower deck of the cabin at about the waterline. This gives a height of 3,11m of the cabin. Quite roomy. The depth in hold I measured just aft of the mast, 2,26m. Is that the best position? With a length of 18,22m and a breath of 5,48m this model is maybe bigger then some expected? How did I do on the measurement and terminology? Questions At number 1: is that possibly a windlass? At number 2: I don't know what to call that, but is that something for 'belaying' rigging/lines? At number 3: The top of the whipstaff? At number 4: No clue, what do you think? At number 5: I have no clue about this either, let me know. At number 6: Quite certain these are the hawseholes.
  16. Now that you explained it further I find myself agreeing with you. It may be hard to find the exact dimension, but I do not mind taking some creative liberties. Since this plan already is not 'complete'. Can anyone provide me with images/sources of a cockpit view/situation similar to this? What purpose would the forward cabin have on a ship type like this? I understand the general concept of a cabin, but why have two separated cabins? Ps. Please do keep in mind that I am an amateur compared to most of the forum users when it comes to ships.
  17. Although convincing to some, not to me. I don't see anything on this plan that indicates towards a forward cabin. And about the cockpit, the depth is about 2,8m. That is quite deep, right? I would say, much too deep. I don't think the deck is lower then the main whale, about 1,4m. What do you think?
  18. Would you be able to draw this out on the plan? I have a hard time understanding what you mean. The terminology is new for me, especially in English. Very intersting take, I already made a first model shape of the hull. This area was troublesome to model in 3D. But if the transom is basically inset into the stern/cabin then that solves the issue, I think.
  19. @Waldemar Now that is interesting, I would have never placed the upper and lower deck towards the aft of the ship at those positions. But this makes total sense because of the space of the cabin at the back. The main deck feels likes it's placed a bit too high, because the connection point of the leeboard is now nearly at the same height as the deck. Looking at pictures from the 'Utrecht', the connection point seems to be placed at about half the height of the bulwark. Is that a correct assumption on my part, you think?
  20. I thought that was the connection point of the leeboard. If it is a scupper then that would indicate the (upper) deck is on that level, right?
  21. These first few replies already taught me a lot. @CDR_Ret I have installed DELFTship and read the manual. Still a bit confused about how one adds the shape and validates the hull form. But I will take some more time. @amateur Thanks for the info on the possible rig and the measurement. Can you explain how one would read that 'measuring stick' in the middle of the drawings? Is the length of a duim the distance between two of those diagonal points? And the length of a voet the distance between two horizontal points? If the station lines are drawn on the inside of the planking, how thick would the planking be? What is a normal thickness? Unanswered questions: Where are the deck-levels in the drawings?
  22. Spurred on by the outstanding work of @Kurtis on the beautiful 74-gun ship of the line model, @3DShipWright tutorial and my backlog of old and mostly unfinished 3D models I decided to start a new 3D ship model. I am most familiar with Blender so that is why I am going to use that. My 3D skill are very rusty and my knowledge of ships and their construction is limited that’s why I am hoping to get help from all the amazing folks on this forum. In case you wondered what my skill level is. This is a model I made 7 years back, when I was at my 3D model peak I am still very proud of this, But nowadays I am nowhere near this good. In the past I started a couple of ship modelling projects, but all of them never progressed passed a general hull shape. The reason for this is that used to be unreasonably optimistic and picked big and obscure ships but I also lacked the support to learn modelling techniques and understand ship plans and designs. This time I want to model something small, something that will teach me a lot about ship modelling and also about ships in general. So what did I choose? A Dutch Paviljoensjacht(1733): https://www.nationaalarchief.nl/onderzoeken/archief/4.MST/invnr/490/file/NL-HaNA_4.MST_490?eadID=4.MST&unitID=490&query= The plan lacks drawings of anything but the hull and some details. I don’t think that is an issue. When I get to the masts and rigging I think I can take inspiration from a fully restored ship model of a similar type called ‘Utrecht’: Why post this on here? I want to share the process of researching ship construction, ship plans and 3D modelling. I do want to humbly ask more experienced ship modellers to help me out, are you interested in this project or are you able to help/guide/teach me stuff? Then please stick around. I intend to do weekly updates on this topic and not drag it our over months or years of at all possible. Thank you all for reading this far. Next time I will discuss the plans and preparations of them.
  23. Does anyone know where one would find the plans for this ship? Plans of early Dutch ships are very hard to find or nearly non-existent.
  24. Thank you for your reply. I went back to an earlier version with less excess geometry. Here I only added a line for every 'line' (don't know what to call that) on the ship plan. This is the result before modifiers. This is after added a SubSurf. Looking from the top you can see that I still need to build out the bow forward. So here I do need to add more geometry, right? The plans do not point out where the decks are and how big the chamber is, I guess there is a deck at the main whale? What would you do in this situation? It's a Paviljoensjacht, similar to a Statenjacht like this 'Utrecht' here. Would it be ok to ask you for help as I go along? Would this thread be ok? Or should I start a new topic?
  25. I just read this from start to finishand I love the process and adore the final result! This is a masterpiece! 😍 Just as the other user above I am looking to learn to model ships. I have tried multiple times but I got stuck and then forgot about it. I just started a new small project of a yacht. And I am kinda stuck again. See image: https://imgur.com/a/6MIwOYe These are the plans: https://imgur.com/PJol0ET The question is: how does the model look and how do I continue from here? Should I clean up the hull first? How do I 'thicken' the hull? I would be really happy if you can teach me.
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