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Everything posted by MarcinPrzybys

  1. Thank you! Usually I use one layer of paper tissue and pva glue watered down. Wet it and try to pose to look realistic. Then painting with acrylic paint as a base but in most cases I prefer oil paints to get final result. Hope that will help ! Try it ! It’s really satisfying technique and not too complicated!
  2. Working on details of the decks before I can glue masts permanently. Still way to go but I wanted to share progress. Not a lot left from the kit, everything is scratch build.
  3. I think I more or less finished the deck construction. Most deck furniture is placed there only for photos. Whole Endurance will be weathered but this I left for last… I found that the bow is out of proportion in the occre kit and had to modify it slightly. Is it spot on? For sure no but I think looks better
  4. And first is mostly ready! Some more painting left but I feel I’ll do that when everything starts to get together
  5. Working on lifeboats … Upgraded a lot from kit one but I used kit rig to build the shell over it.
  6. And some progress on details. Doors and stairs are here for the photo and will be glued later on. Missing portholes, have to print them.
  7. Working on decks right now. I don’t like kit planks around deck so I decided to make my own… instead of bending whole plank I made a jig and I laminated thin strips. What do you think?
  8. This time bigger update. Construction is mainly done, final sanding and painting black. Am I happy? Not 100% but it’s looking good. I experimented a little to bring it closer to original but still kit have a lot of errors if you dive deep enough.
  9. A little bit of wood working… Trying to get close to original proportions. Missing lower railing.
  10. I spend some time trying to figure out bench/skylight. After few attempts and tests I think this is closest to original and possible to build. My main idea is to print the core and cover it with wood. I prepared rig to glue together four covers. Each window have grooves to position brass 0,2mm wires.
  11. Small progress… Interior cut away and place prepared for the engine and boiler. One deck planked and watertight hatches fitted. But a lot of work left to finish it up…
  12. I came up to the same conclusion as @clearway… Tomorrow print it and will see how it looks. 6mm diameter
  13. To conclude my findings… Interior photos suggest that there was electricity on board and it was used. I’m pretty sure that those are ceramic insulators like those below Placement and purpose is best explained by sir Ernest himself… The question still remains whether there were any lights illuminating deck before Endurance was trapped by ice…
  14. Maybe this is my imagination but isn’t it like an element of electric installation ( two parallel cables and ceramic insulators?
  15. Do you maybe have any information about lighting on deck ? I found that Endurance had electric lighting… Do we know anything about placement? Thanks !
  16. During the weekend I don’t have access to my workshop so done some modeling. I didn’t like the engine so I changed it. Triple expansion steam engine with boiler. This is the closest I can get considering no reference at all. And no info what brand of engine Endurance had… One inch cube as a scale reference.
  17. Thank you! I could consider it. I think I would need to print it in more user friendly way but why not But first I need to test those elements and see how they work and look. Potentially you will be interested in everything with boiler and steam engine or on deck accessories? My plan contains all polar expeditions accessories like sleds, ski and crates…
  18. Small update… this part mainly done. Time to start on the hull and it will need few changes. One which will require a little bit of sawing is engine bay. As far as I understand rear deck skylight is some kind of ventilation to engine bay and I want to have it visible…
  19. Hi ! This is my first post here so hello everyone! After almost three years I’m starting new project. As you can guess Endurance. Plan was simple, not to complicate set, fast build, a lot of fun… But I started doing research. As far as I like OcCre sets this one have a lot of simplification and I’m trying to upgrade it to some level. Right now only small part in construction but many hours in 3D software and on printers to get best representation of Endurance equipment. This is my humble beginning of long journey hopefully with better ending than polar expedition:) Marcin
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