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Everything posted by Ship_Right

  1. Hello Everyone. I have opened the box ... After reading many posts and a couple of build logs on this site I have decided to try to deal with the "Hull Bulge" by "building out" three of the frames/bulkheads, based on Matthew Betts' detailed description, using wood from the OcCre sprue that held the frames supplied in the kit. Results of these efforts will be posted. Modifying the frames should be easy enough; planking is what scares me 😬
  2. Hello As a new member of this model making community I am amazed and daunted by the skills and ingenuity of the members. While I am going to have a hard time to live up to these standards, I do want to try a few of the modifications that you have taken on, but I need to better understand the details ... I am just starting my model of the Erebus, and would like to eliminate "the bulge" in the hull, but do not fully understand what has to be done. I have boiled my questions down to this: Which of the frames should be modified? Is it 4, 5 and 9, whose profiles would need to be enlarged to be more closely matched to 6 & 7? Do any drawings exist of the modified frames, and if so, are those drawings available for me to create new frames? I would be grateful for any help I can get! Guy
  3. I could make this work (I think) but first I need to answer my original question - "Which of the frames should be modified? Is it 4, 5 and 9, whose profiles would need to be enlarged to be more closely matched to 6 & 7?" If 4,5 and 9 do indeed need to be enlarged, I will first have to cut new pieces - or "build out" the ones I have. Guy
  4. I am a newbie to this forum, and also to ship modelling - my modelling experience has mainly been plastic kits over many years - so I apologize in advance if this question is out of place. If I should be posting this question somewhere else in the forum I would welcome the advice. I have read some of the build logs for this ship, and for the Terror, and there I found discussions about the "bulge" in the model ship's hull. I would like to modify the frames on my hull to take care of this, but I don't have the expertise to interpret the drawings and photos I have seen so far. I have boiled my questions down to this: Which of the frames should be modified? Is it 4, 5 and 9, whose profiles would need to be enlarged to be more closely matched to 6 & 7? Has anyone created drawings of what the shapes of these frames should be, and if so, are those drawings available for me to create new frames? I am really looking forward to building this model, and I suspect I will already have plenty of challenges ahead of me in the planking and beyond - but with challenges overcome come rich rewards!
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