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Everything posted by GRANADOS Philippe

  1. The finishes are amazing! It is a magnificent work. As we say here : "De la belle ouvrage !". Bravo !
  2. Thank you Mark, everything I read is exciting, and written by enthusiasts !
  3. Thank you very much ! From what I read in the various topics, solidarity and mutual assistance are essential. Like seafarers!
  4. Ho thank you very much Ryland. A new life for me ! 😊
  5. Thank you very much SiriusVoyager 😉
  6. Thank you very much 😉
  7. Thank you very much John !
  8. Bonjour, merci beaucoup !
  9. Thank you very much Chris !
  10. Thank you very much Keith.
  11. Thank you Druxey !
  12. Thank you GranpaPhil !
  13. Hello, thank you for your welcome and for your advice: I followed it and found the site model expo. This model : "Midwest Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack 1:24" seems to be well suited. Thank you again.
  14. Hello everyone, I am retired today! I now have all the time to indulge in my passions that are drawing and making models. But if I practice the first every day, I could not exercise the second. I will take the time to read your advice, review your work and then start with a model that is suitable for a beginner. Thank you very much for having me here, Philippe.
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