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Everything posted by Andrewiscookin

  1. I’ve taken a couple weekends off of building this waiting for a plank bender now. But I have spent my weekends looking at others boats in all these small shops in Paulso and then today touring the Virginia V while it is in dry dock being repaired and learned quite a bit today. Hopefully once my plank bender gets here I will get back to work daily on this project I feel bad with it just sitting there but field trips were had
  2. Was able to get the hull roughly in but It should fair well before I do the planking. Once I finally got it all in place I did a little I got a boat dance I must say. now to bust out some filler and sanding. questioning if I should varnish the sides before glueing the planks wonderful work this weekend
  3. Time for glue to dry and be back at it tomorrow love seeing it take shape and slowly figuring this out
  4. Having fun today working sides and transom. I’m adding a basswood layer to waterproof it does not say to do this and to plank right on the frame so making a panel and copying it for the opposite side nothing is glued yet and I am still shaping and fitting together. The transom I’m doing a little different and filled the spaces in the frame and a single layer of the dark wood which I will be planking over learned that I really don’t like the smell of 5 minute epoxy when I filled in gaps from the propeller shaft and rudder shaft. started layers of varnish on the inside the other night back to it I go
  5. That took way longer than it should have now to sand and do some filling in some and I think I can move on to the transom and sides You can hardly tell I messed up lol
  6. For some reason my brain could not get this figured out easily so I tried my best and it doesn’t look super great right now but I think with some filler and sanding it will be ok. Also seeing that it isn’t perfectly symmetrical but that too won’t be too far off less than a plank width. I am also thinking of making a metal cover for the bow (or make my jeweler wife do that for me) and it would cover up some imperfections. It was a very frustrating weekend and I’m tired of this particular section but I won’t be giving up just yet. Thanks for the help
  7. I slept on it and I feel dumb I was trying to force them to go straight ahead instead of bend in to the center but if I go this direction I’ll need to fill in the blank area that is created if that makes any sense. Glad I didn’t glue further than I did and if I hate the way it looks I can just paint the bottom
  8. Ok I’m stuck and have to do some learning on how to do this part of the bow. Started to taper the planks and nothing is glued yet but it’s not looking like it will curve and still follow the straight I’m looking for and now I feel I’ve messed up these few planks. Time for tutorials
  9. Things are slowing down a bit as I have never planked a bow before but I think I have it figured out starting the taper for the bend. I have also got the propshaft and rudder tube in place. That required mocking up the motor and I was having trouble getting everything to fit properly and figured I need a different shorter coupler than it came with so I have ordered a couple different ones to see what will fit. time for a break before I get back to it later today
  10. Well here is what I was able to get done this weekend lots of bottom work. Added this extra detail that it didn’t call for but I thought would look great and I was not wrong. Did some research both online and in person and I am thinking it may get a bottom color covering up that detail after all that but I know it’s there and that is all that matters. I picked up this marine spar varnish and am wondering if that is ok to use as waterproofing inside and outside or if I should return it for something else and insight on that would be helpful thanks
  11. Alright here goes nothing after looking around and finding a few builds I decided to put some sheeting under the planks so slight deviation from the kit so I’m a little nervous. I left some of the stringers from the wider bits long so maybe they can stick out between the darker wood to give some lines and break up the solid look without painting. Ok slow moving today had a late start went to a big boat show and got inspiration from some vintage race boats.
  12. Waiting on response from model expo because it appears the kit came with a propshaft assembly that is short by 2-3 inches no response in 4 days. I’ll mock up with a longer piece of tubing so I can get started on the exterior this weekend
  13. It is single layer mahogany the way it comes so that’s why I’ll be adding the sheets. I am still very new to this so taking suggestions
  14. Ordered some 1/16th basswood sheets to lay under the plankin that is not in the instructions but what I’ve seen others do to better waterproof thanks for the heads up on that other build I haven seen much information
  15. Was another very long day working on this one and I got it all strung and ready to be faired a bit. Another first doing stringers and soaked in alcohol to get it to bend maybe not the easiest way but it worked for the most part like ya of clamps and rubber bands. About 20 hours working on this in two days has been a lot of work but I could not be any happier
  16. I just couldn’t stop at that today and have just kept on going this is going together pretty smoothly nice straight and square. That will be all for today, will be stringers.
  17. I have began working on this and should be done glueing the frames together this is my third build and biggest yet. I will be making this RC and I’m setting my finish date for opening day for boating here in Seattle (May 3rd) so I have a bit of work to get done and and may have some questions along the way. I have not seen anyone post much further than just glueing the frames together so if anyone has done a similar build please show me thank you day 1 frames glue. Don’t mind the plaid wax paper it is all I could find but it’s slightly helpful lining things up
  18. Up next is going to be a challenge and I haven’t really found anyone who base done the miss adventure rc. Ill start a log once I get going on it
  19. I’ve been avoiding doing the sails long enough and got the main done today and should be able to finish up tomorrow leaving only a different stand than what the kit came with. So for my first time doing sails it could be a lot cleaner and I may remake them eventually but I’m liking it and looking forward to start my next project. I did take a break and build their dory kit but didn’t take pictures along the way
  20. I’m looking for any other miss adventure builds and can’t find any except for some blurry YouTube videos from 2009 if anyone has anything that would be great it will be my biggest and first Rc build
  21. I have been searching for a hobby for quite some time and have found this to be super enjoyable. I am nearly finished with my first sailboat and now have three more boats to build. I will be taking a side step from my lobster smack build and do the model shipways dory. I also was looking for something a bit challenging and I am going to try my hand at building their Rc miss adventure which I have looked for build logs for and have not found any. I am very excited to get these going and think I have my time occupied for awhile now. I am quite sure I will Be asking some questions along the way and thanks for all the help in the future!
  22. Hardware and blocks are done I believe all I really have left is to make the sails and rig it all up which I have never done. It may not be a super polished model or quite perfect but I think I have done ok for my first time.
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