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Peter S

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    Sydney, Australia

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  1. Hi Craig, Wow! That is an amazing project with some fantastic video. I have been enthralled by what I have seen so far. It is fascinating to see that a lot of the techniques that are suggested in model making are actually used in building full size craft. Thanks for passing that on. Only trouble is I am hooked into watching the entire project 🙂 Seems that I need to get some thin batten material for assisting with fairing. Think that would help me a lot to get the right shape when fairing until I can work it out just by eyeballing (if I ever get that advanced!). I saw that other people have used the second planking material from other models but given this is my first model just not sure where I can get something similar. Really appreciate the link and comments. Tks Peter
  2. Just a quick note to let you know that I am finding your log very useful. I have just started on this build as my first foray into the world of model ship building. Am learning a lot though have so much more to lean and experience. Am just starting on the planking, which I am finding challenging. But like you it is a very enjoyable pastime.
  3. Not a lot of progress lately as I have been away. Did manage to spend some time last week on re-fairing, especially the bow frames. Tried to heed the advice provided. Think I understand a bit more about what was needed. Also noted after blowing up the images in the instructions just how much was needed on the first few frames. I didn't get a chance to take a pic as the hobby room has an infestation that caused a need to fumigate the room! However I did add the first plank to the port side before the fumigation. This sits much better than the starboard plank which I still need to fix properly at the bow. No progress now until the end of March!
  4. Thanks Craig and "Jacques". This helps. I didn't quite realise the need to bevel the frame but I think I can see now what the fairing is trying to achieve. Back to the sand paper again! That is definitely a good point about balancing the planking to stop any warping. Hadn't thought of that. Will take these suggestions and see how well I can implement them. Be a few weeks now as I won't be near the model for a couple of weeks. Sigh!
  5. As the title says, this is my first boat build. I ordered the kit and received it just before Christmas. This is the latest kit, so should not have some if the issues of the older kit that have been well documented. Have been reading and researching. Really lucked out with this kit as there are a quite a few build logs. Has proven to be very valuable and interesting reading and viewing. So far have put the frame together and have just installed the first plank. Definitely need to get a PC with a big screen into the hobby room! Am not that great at taking photos but want to document the process as I go. One question I have is about 'fairing". How do you know if you have sanded the frame enough? Have not really found anything that shows what the fairing is trying to achieve. Be good to see a before and after comparison. I spent a lot of time researching how to plank, and found some great articles and videos which helped enormously. Initially wasn't sure if I needed to to get a plank bender but decided to at least start with soaking in hot water and then put it in place and clamp it down. This worked really well though I did take a week to get this first plank to the right shape! I also decided to ignore the instructions in the kit for planking as they use filler pieces and following the advice of many am attempting to plank according to the experts. What I did discover with this first plank is how difficult it is to fix the plank at the bow. Very little area to bond the plank to the frame. I also found that I had to sand the first two frames at the bow to get the plank to sit nicely against the keel. None of the logs I looked at seemed to mention this so I just hope that it was the right thing to do. I have also decided to plank all of the starboard side first. This way any mistakes can be hidden if I display the port side only. That is assuming I don't make to many mistakes on the port side!
  6. Great log. Am just starting on this kit as well, so this has been very useful and also inspiring. As I am just about to start the planking, I think I will follow your lead (and others) and not follow the plans but try and use single planks all the way across and not have the pieces inserted to fill the gaps. I will also be painting to hide the mistakes 🙂
  7. Hi Lindsay, Still very early days. What I have found is that there is a lot of information. Some of it is conflicting, so need to sort the wheat from the chaff. The kit itself looks complete, and are happy with the purchase. I did buy the paint kit to go with it, as I thought it might hide some of the imperfections that I will undoubtedly have! One thing I would say is that I am glad I purchased something and have started. You can only read so much before getting your hands dirty. I know I will make mistakes but hope that they won't be that bad that I can't hide them. Am also in no rush, which is good as I am working on the model only when I go down to my property at Jervis Bay. Another thing that I have found is that I will need to get an old PC setup in the hobby room (back of the garage) as the instructions are only online and you need to refer to them all the time. Take the plunge am sure you will enjoy the experience and maybe we can help each other 🙂 Cheers Peter
  8. Thanks John. Good to know where I can meet some fellow modelers. Should have thought about the Museum before 🙂
  9. Have just joined MSW after finding the site this past weekend. Am a very novice beginner, having only toyed with many plastic models as a teenager (many moons ago!). Now that I am retired wanted to try out building model ships, which is something I have always been interested in. Have bought the Artesania Latina HMS Bounty Jolly Boat as my first model. I have already started and put the frame together. Now on to the real challenge of planking. Have been reading lots of articles and tutorials, but have found them somewhat conflicting as there are many different approaches you can take. Trying to decide on which one to use! Looking forward to getting stuck into the project and interacting with fellow modelers. It was good to see a number of Aussies here as well! Have found this site to be a great resource. Cheers
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