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Alex K.

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Everything posted by Alex K.

  1. Thanks Peter! It was a pleasure seeing your ship as well, and it was nice talking to you. I hope to see you next time. Alex
  2. Lately I've put some effort in creating a showcase for the Friesland (acrylic). The glue came out near the edges, I guess I should have used more liquid glue, even though this was the supplier's preferred glue (acrifix 192). Removing the glue and polishing should be possible, but where I tried it, you can still see it. Anyway, I added ledlights and this is the result:
  3. And also worked on the hatches, but first had to make some small rings.
  4. This weekend I managed todo some more. I decided not to use the Mamoli lifeboat, but I already ordered a life boat from Kolderstok a few years ago for this purpose.
  5. The modelship builders day in the National Maritime Museum in Amsterdam was a great success.. 🙂 Some pictures: And the Friesland:
  6. While waiting for my ordered rope, I have some small pieces of rope that I can use for the following.
  7. Finally it fits. Mostly with bending. I tried the dremel, but that didn't give the right result and I didn't want to destroy too much.
  8. But while placing it, I ran into a problem... And scraping some wood off the top of the rudder didn't have the desired effect. I may have to put the dremel into the lower part of of the decorations on the back of the ship. I'll take some time to think this over..
  9. And I decided to do some woodwork, the rudder. Laminating with walnut strips makes it look just a bit nicer.
  10. On the 30th of Sept, there will be a meeting of model ship builders, organized by a Dutch model ship building forums, in the National Maritime Museum (Scheepvaartmuseum) in Amsterdam. https://www.hetscheepvaartmuseum.com I am very proud to be showing this model there together with many other hobby ship builders on this unique location.
  11. This is the current status. And I did some other work by making some flags
  12. Good morning, After a long pause in this hobby, I am now enjoying this hobby once again and continueing this ship. This is the current status. Even though it seems it's almost finished, there is still somework to do: - continue with some more sails - building the life boat - complete the upper row of cannon hatches - anchors - finishing touch details I plan to keep you uptodate. 🙂 Best Regards, Alex
  13. It's been a while since my last post. But I've made some sails now, and started the rigging. Some hatches got damaged, but I'll fix those later. Some pictures.
  14. Hi Zappto, I’ll make them half-wrapped, then most details will be visible on both rigging and the ship itself.
  15. Thanks Zapto! I enjoyed watching your Friesland as well. You did a great job.
  16. I've been building this weekend quite a bit. And I ordered sails from Kolderstok. They're actually for the Zeven Provincien, but that is the same type of ship, and the size matches as well. So with a few adjustments I can use these.
  17. Some time ago, I noticed that the front of the ship didn't fit properly. I decided to rebuild it a bit. See below pictures. The red arrows show that that part is a bit too low.
  18. Thanks Mugje. Nice to see you following this build!
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