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Frank Cook

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  1. Chuck, Thanks so much for this information and sorry for my delay in responding. I have just returned to working on this project after finishing up a model of the Brigantine Newsboy. In regards to this restoration, there were a number of things that I questioned in trying to identify this model as the USS Essex. The first was the figurehead, which looked more like a Greek figure than an Indian warrior. However, recently I met a gentleman who was building a new Model Shipways model of the Essex, which had a figurehead smaller but almost identical to the one on this model and with a little imagination I can see the figure as an Indian. The other problem I had with identification resulted in referring to Takakjian's "Anatomy of a Ship, The 32-Gun Frigate Essex", which shows the position of the wheel aft of the mizzen mast, and I have seen other models of the Essex that shows the aft position of the wheel relative to the mizzen. However, the pics you included in your reply clearly shows the wheel forward of the mizzen. This makes me feel more comfortable but is there an explanation for the difference? I definitely will have to get a copy of Jim Roberts book on building the kit that you referenced in your reply.
  2. Dear Capt Armstrong, Thank you for your information. Your idetification of the model to be the USS Essex of 1799 is very revealling. The only information that I have on the original build of the model is that it was done by a model maker from Ipswich, MA, so it would stand to reason that the ship for which the model was to represent would be one built and launched locally, specifically, Salem, MA. I am particularly interested in your statement that the figurehead was close to the Chapelle draught of the vessel. Can you suggest how I could get a copy of this documentation? Thanks, Frank
  3. Thank all of you for your interest. My understanding is that the Artois Class of frigates was a series of nine ships built to a 1793 design by Sir John Henslow, which served in the Royal Navy during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, namely: HMS Artois, Completed: 3 March 1794 HMS Diana, Completed: 6 June 1794 HMS Apollo, Completed: 23 September 1794 HMS Diamond, Completed: 6 June 1794 HMS Jason, Completed: 25 July 1794 HMS Seahorse, Completed: 16 September 1794 HMS Tamar, Completed: 21 June 1796 HMS Clyde, Completed: 21 June 1796 HMS Ethalion, Completed: 11 July 1797 Most reference these ships as 38-gun frigates although they are specified to be armed with a main battery of 28 eighteen-pounder cannon on their upper deck, the main gun deck of a frigate, two 9-pounders together with twelve 32-pounder carronades on the quarter deck, and another two 9-pounders together with two 32-pounder carronades on the forecastle, a total of 46 guns. I compared this model with the drawings and specifications of the HMS Diana found in "The Anatomy Of The Ship, HMS Diana" and found significant similarities. The model is pierced for 14 guns on the starboard and larboard gun deck and has 6 cannon per side on the quarter deck. The waist of the main deck has a large opening exposing the gun deck, and the wheel, binnacle and capstan are in approximately the same position. The stern gallery has five windows instead of Diana's six but whose counting. Of course the gross rigging plan is similar. I have attached some additional pics.
  4. Thank you Captain Poison for your quick response. The only fact that I have been able to discover is that Aethalion was a sailor who was turned into a fish by Dionysus. This in itself would be a good enough reason for using an effigy of Aethalion as a figurehead for a ship. However, I have not been able to connect this fact to the model's figurehead. Can you give me any more information on how you were able to determine that this model was of the HMS Ethalion? Thanks again
  5. I am in the beginning research stages for the restoration of a 38-gun Artois-class fifth rate frigate of the Royal Navy. It is similar to HMS Diana. It has great detail but it is a wreck. The figurehead (see picture) is of a man/god waving a mace-like weapon, wearing what appears to be a flowing robe. Can anyone identify the ship from the figurehead or venture a guess as to the figurehead? Thanks, Frank
  6. Hello Richard, Before investing in relatively expensive CAD software, you might want to consider expeimenting with an inexpensive (free) application called Inkscape. Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha blending, etc.) and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. It is very easy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more. The designers at Inkscape also aim to maintain a thriving user and developer community by using open, community-oriented development. I have used Inkscape to design "bread and butter" ship's boats and other model related objects. i,e,. admiralty anchors, gun carriages, etc. I send the design files to a laser cutting service to have the pieces fabricated. It has been a very easy to use and useful CAD application AND it is Open Source! If I understand your need, Inkscape can certainly allow you to design your frames in your virtual lofting shed. The thickness of the frames would simply be defined by the thinkness of the material. You can download from their web site, http:/www.inkscape.org . Make sure you use .org NOT .com. Regards, Frank
  7. I thought I would report on my status with the USS Ohio restoration, so, I have placed some recent pics on my web site at http://home.covad.net/fecook/Models/USS Ohio Ship Of The Line I still need to finish the running rigging coils, add the bower and sheet anchors, add the quarter davits and boats, add the ratlines to the shrouds, add the ensign, jack and pendant, and add a few other odds and ends. The ensign, jack, and pennant will be circa 1838. I want to depict the model as Commodore Isaac Hull’s flagship as part of the Mediterranean Squadron of 1838. The model does show some age so trying to depict it as it was coming off the ways would be a stretch. Feel free to send me any comments. Happy modeling, Frank
  8. Hi Frankie, Thanks for your input. This was my original thought and it may have been the original modelers intent. I did not want to mention my thought in my previous post so as not to influence any responses. They could very well be the blocks on the halyard falls for the topsail, t'gallant, and royal yards. However, when I look at the plans for the USS COLUMBUS, sister ship of the USS OHIO, the plans call for a PAIR of halyards for the topsail yard, both originating from their respective starboard and port channels up through a series of blocks on the crosstrees and the yard. The running part of the halyards are rove through a block on the deck positioned near the bulwark just below the pinrail and are then belayed to the pinrail. The fore and the main topsail yards both have two halyards while the mizzen topsail yard has one. Another concern is that in my experience the halyards all led down to the deck close to the bulwark not as far inboard as these blocks are positioned. The other peculiarity is that the model was not rigged with any royal yards, unless they were part of the debris or simply lost. The model has had a hard life. By the way, your miniature models are exquisite! I am impressed that you were able to work in such a small scale without compromising detaiI. I am not sure I could handle features that small. Thanks again, Frank
  9. I have used an application called Inkscape to design "bread and butter" ship's boats and other model related objects. i,e,. admiralty anchors, gun carriages, etc. I send the design files to a laser cutting service to have the pieces fabricated. It has been a very easy to use and useful CAD application AND it is Open Source! Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha blending, etc.) and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. It is very easy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more. The designers at Inkscape also aim to maintain a thriving user and developer community by using open, community-oriented development. You can download from their web site, http:/www.inkscape.org . Make sure you use .org NOT .com. Regards, Frank
  10. I have been looking and looking for the answer to a question that developed early in my research of my model of the USS OHIO, so, I decided to see if there was someone in the group who may know the answer. I have not been able to get an answer from any of the research books or from the plans of the USS COLUMBUS (although the answer could be staring me in the face). The previous modeler(s) placed three sets of three single blocks on the deck just abaft each of the three masts. The fore mast has one block on the starboard side and two on the port side; the main mast has one block on the port side and two blocks on the starboard side; the mizzen mast set is setup like the fore mast with one block on the starboard side and two blocks on the port side. The attached photo is taken of the fore from off the port bow. The blocks are indicated by the red arrows. Does anyone know or suspect what lines these blocks control?. p
  11. My apologies for trying to post pictures of my USS OHIO headrig in the "Gallery". I was not aware that this space was reserved for "finished models". But in the interest of providing this information to the group I have posted the pictures on my web site at http://home.covad.net/fecook//Models . I hope to post the pictures of my finished USS OHIO in the near future. Regards, Frank
  12. I want to first thank all of you who have added to my knowledge of early nineteenth century Ships-Of-The-Line. Your suggestions on research books and especially the plans of the the USS COLUMBUS (courtesy of uss frolick) have helped me answer a number of questions about the USS OHIO model that I am attempting to restore. When I first began cleaning and separating the debris, the remnants of the bowsprit suggested that the headrig consisted of more than a typical bowsprit and jibboom but that there was yet another spar associated with the headrig. I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that this class of ship had a Flying Jibboom. With additional reading of James Lees 'Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War 1625-1860', continued reading of the USS COLUMBUS plans, and additional navigating on the web, I further discovered that the Flying Jibboom was attached to the cap and the Jibboom with an iron called the "wythe" and that the Flying Jibboom was offset from the Jibboom to allow access and operation of rigging on the Jibboom. I may be the only one who has "discovered" this configuration of Ship-Of-The_Line's headrig but in case anyone is interested, I have posted pictures in the "Gallery" entitled "USS OHIO Bowsprit". Thanks again but you have to excuse me I am off to peruse the plans once again. Regards, Frank
  13. Dear uss frolick, I will indeed look for the Crothers plans and thank you for the offer in the event I cannot find them. Sincerely, Frank
  14. My thanks to trippwj and JerseyCitie Frankie for their contributions. All of the information provided is very interesting and much appreciated. I actually use one of the Ohio photos as my member photo. I have seen the Brooklyn Navy Yard Museum photos of the USS Ohio and they are great. I live just outside Boston and I must plan a trip to Brooklyn. The Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA, also has a great model of the USS Ohio built by Enoch Perkins Fuller about 1850. Using the rigging plans of a sister 74 as Mr. Myatt did is also a good idea. Thanks again, Frank
  15. Sam, Thanks for the tip. Brady's Kedge Anchor is a absolute must as a research document. I downloaded the entire book from Google Books. Frank
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