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    Grand Rapids, Michigan

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  1. Hey Kevin, I'm from Grand Rapids. Sounds like there are actually a few Michigan people on here. Good to know I'm surrounded by good company! :-)
  2. Thanks for the input everybody. I think I'm going to add small pieces of wood to the coaming and hull problem areas. The deck will just get more wood filler. I'm in the process of taking some pictures and getting ready to put up a build log as I finish this project. Keep the advice coming! Mario - Thanks for stopping by. I've seen your build and it blows me away. As does your build on the Chesapeake Bay Flattie (my next build). Although there is no chance of mine turning out as nice as yours, I may be checking in to steal some inspiration from you! Kirk
  3. Dee Dee, I must say, you Lobster Smack is turning out much prettier than my own. I'm new to MSW and this is my first build. I hope to add my build log soon. In the mean time, I will be checking yours frequently to see what the model is supposed to look like Kirk
  4. Thanks for the advice you two. I can see that this site will be a great resource as I continue my build. Russ - I'll go ahead and add a build log for the second half of this build and attack those problems as you suggested. Clare - I changed my name so it's easier to address me Thanks!
  5. Hello everyone. I am new to Model Ship World and model ship building. I've been spending time on this forum looking through your builds and I must say, WOW, you guys are good! Maybe one day I can be as good as all of you. But for now - not so much. I'm currently working on my first build - a Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack from Midwest. I'm not sure if this is where I should post this but I have a few pictures and I'm looking for some critique/guidance. Picture 1 - When I put the deck on it cracked (pretty big crack, too). I tried to hit it with some woodfiller but the crack still shows. Is there a better way to fix this or should I try another layer of wood filler? Clearly at this point I am going to have to paint the deck rather than stain. Picture 2 - A gap between where the coamings are supposed to come together. Is it best to hit this with wood filler, too? I still have some sanding to do on the front before adding the cutwater. But you can also see my messy glue work. I am getting better, I promise! Picture 3 - A large gap between the hull where the rudder goes. The instructions call for a small strip of wood to be added. My gap is much bigger than what the instructions call for, but I'm still going to try to cut something and fit it in there. So those are my 3 big problem areas for now. Again, sorry if this is in the wrong part of the forum. When I do my 2nd model I will start a build log. But in the meantime, any criticisms or guidance in how to fix these areas would be appreciated. Thanks!
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